Monday, October 22, 2012

Metal & Science Fiction, Ninja News, Wish The Awakening, Movie Review, and the Next Great Blogfest!

Today I am visiting Jamie at Mithril Wisdom! Jamie has been a special blogger buddy since the first A to Z Challenge. His theme for this past Challenge was fantasy metal. Well, my guest post today is about science fiction metal! If you like science fiction or rock music, visit Mithril Wisdom for the best of both worlds. There may be movie-music trivia involved...

Ninja News

Thanks for all the kind words you guys left on Friday’s POST! Nancy was very happy to see so much support for her new book, The Mistaken, and I was grateful for the comments regarding the two-year anniversary of CassaStar’s release. You guys rock!

Tara Tyler just signed a book deal with Curiosity Quills – congratulations, Tara!

Wish, The Awakening

The ever-awesome Laura Eno has a new book!

Wish, The Awakening – by Laura Eno
YA dark fantasy

Most residents of Pine Hill shy away from seventeen-year-old Lelah without knowing why. It's the Djinn magic surging through her blood. She lives in a world where wishes are really curses, dark power meant to twist and deceive in unimaginable ways. When a fit of temper exposes Lelah for what she really is, she must flee to a sanctuary only whispered about, before her family is exposed and enslaved by their ancient enemy. What she discovers is a treacherous path filled with power, lies, and betrayal – a path that's destined to ensnare her and destroy a civilization.

Purchase it in print at Amazon and as an eBook at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.

About the Author:
Laura Eno lives in Florida with a very tolerant husband, three skulking cats and two absurdly happy dogs. After spending years immersed in college but never figuring out what she wanted to be when she grew up, she now writes novels late at night with the help of muses from the underworld. And, no, she still hasn't grown up but that's okay.

Laura, we hope you don’t ever grow up!

Movie Review

The Hunger Games
Finally watched this one on NetFlix. The storyline borrows from Battle Royale (sans extreme violence and action) and The Running Man (sans extreme violence and action and the cheesy fun factor.) I’ve not read the books, but I can understand the appeal of a strong female heroine. Don’t hate me, but sorry, I was a little bored watching this film. Maybe I missed something…

The Next Great Blogfest – Are You Ready?

I Miss You Blogfest
November 16 2012
Hosted by Andrew Leon, Matthew MacNish, and Alex J. Cavanaugh

The bloggers we really miss…
and the ones we would really miss!

Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!

On November 16, list one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.

Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know!

Sign up below:

This linky list is now closed.

Did you pick up Nancy’s book? Excited for Tara? Picking up Laura’s book? And are you ready for a blogfest where we can show our blogging buddies how much we appreciate them?

Don’t forget to visit Mithril Wisdom!
And I may not be posting Wednesday... Just so you know.


Mark Koopmans said...


I already have my list compiled... what a *great* idea:)

I can't believe anyone uses Netflix for anything other than watching the TEN series of MI-5 ... such a fab Brit show :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

now i am agreeing with you on the hunger games, i don't get it... maybe after some time. i originally felt this way about harry potter films, but at the time i was in a lord of the rings coma at the time.

now this should make you worry, but i still don't get all the zombieland hype either... i mean it was funny and all just... i have seen it and now i am done with it.

films that i am never finished with, star trek '09 and the avengers [film and individuals... minus the hulk].

great day!

Kyra Lennon said...

I LOVE the sound of Laura's book!

Matthew MacNish said...

Hah! You're funny about the Hunger Games. I wonder if a lot of people who haven't read the books felt that way?

M.J. Fifield said...

I'm always up for a reader appreciation blogfest.

And my significant other was bored by The Hunger Games too. And his co-worker really didn't like it. We still managed to be friends. =)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, you're hilarious!

Jeremy, glad it wasn't just me. However, I did think Zombieland was the best zombie movie ever.

Matthew, so far Jeremy agrees.

MJ, good to know. Maybe if I'd read the books...

Yvonne Osborne said...

As is always the case, the book was better than the movie. The characterization felt forced in the movie, but the case for a strong emotional connection between Katniss and the boy back home is never made in either of the first two books. Maybe it's the "YA" bent that I, as an adult, found unfulfilling.

Brinda said...

I love in Laura's bio that she acknowledges her "absurdly happy dogs" because I also have two. Congrats on her release!

Creepy Query Girl said...

What a fantastic idea for a blogfest! There are definitely a few I've missed these last few months. Unfortunately, my blogging presence has been so lame, it may just be because I haven't been around to visit as much:(

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I thought The Hunger Games was similar to the Running Man, too.

Great idea for a blogfest!

S.P. Bowers said...

The Hunger Games movie isn't as good as the book. I can't say since I had read the book but I've always suspected if I hadn't read the book I would be confused and a little lost as to what was happening.

Natalie Aguirre said...

So glad for Nancy.

We won't hate you for not going to see Hunger Games at the theater or being a bit bored in it. I really like this series. I was already a fan of Suzanne Collins from her Gregor the Overlander series.

Laura Pauling said...

I was just thinking how even last year at this time, there were about 20 more posts in my google reader than there are now. Amazing!

Laura Pauling said...

And I didn't like the Hunger Games movie nearly as I liked the book. The movie made me feel dizzy with all the close ups!

Jemi Fraser said...

Yay for Tara & Laura!! :)

I loved the Hunger Games books and avoided the movie for a long time - I really don't like a lot of movie versions. I thought this one was okay - but there's just so much more in the book - a short movie like that just can't do it justice!

Rusty Carl said...

I was never that thrilled with The Hunger Games either, but after all that hype it's hard to not be a bit let down.

Laura Eno said...

Thank you for featuring Wish!

I read the first Hunger Games, but didn't continue with the trilogy.

What a great idea for a blogfest!

shelly said...


I'm going to think about the blogfest since I'm about burned out.

Hugs and chocolate,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, maybe!

Katie, just glad you're on board.

Elizabeth, that's all I could think about while watching it.

Laura, it did have some moments of confuso-vision.

Laura, you're welcome!

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

Nice post on Mitril Wisdom. Nice sounding soundtract. Wish I could get into fantasy, but the few books I've read just didn't grab me. I'll try again at some point, as I'm looking to maybe try something new.

LynnRush said...

Oh, I love that WISH cover!! So cool.
Hunger Games. i started reading the book and couldn't get into it so I stopped. I've not seen the movie yet either **ducks at thrown wads of paper** Yeah, I'm a freak! LOL

Happy Monday. Have a SUPER DAY!

Luanne G. Smith said...

The Hunger Games movie was a little boring. The book was much more enjoyable, but that's usually the case, since my imagination is directing the action when I read. :PP

Sounds like an interesting Blogfest. So many bloggers have disappeared into the ether.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

I'm thrilled for Tara! I'll have to stop by and congratulate her! And I love the idea of your blog hop...another one that supports other writers...very cool of you guys.

AuthorAlden said...

I enjoyed Hunger Games but like you, I couldn't help but notice the similarities to Running Man and Battle Royale, which distracted me a little. Not the greatest movie, but I was moderately entertained.


Juliana Haygert said...

The book The Hunger Games is so much better than the movie! I liked the movie, but I loved the book ;)
Nice blogfest--I'll try to participate!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I liked the "Hunger Games" movie overall but my biggest problem with it was that they left out chunks of the characters' motivations that are in the book and really flesh out the story more.

Saw "Promotheus" - ugh.

Saw "Chernobyl Diaries" - not bad. But I was drinking wine when I watched it so who knows. :)

Kelly Polark said...

I kind of like rock music so I shall go check out your post! :)

Gossip_Grl said...

Congrats to Tara! Great cover for Wish also. Sounds like a great hop to honor bloggers!

Karen Lange said...

Appreciate all the info, Alex! Hopping over to Mithril Wisdom!

jaybird said...

Love this idea. There is already one blogger I miss a lot, and wish he'd come back.

Kelly Polark said...

I tried to comment on the other blog, but I couldn't due to my browser it said. Anyway, cool songs you talked about, some I hadn't heard of. The Avengers isn't exactly sci fi but I loved their soundtrack - it was hard rock!

My husband thought the Hunger Games was slow too. (he didn't read the books). I loved it though! (i read the trilogy)

Nicki Elson said...

Congratulations, Laura!

I haven't seen Hunger Games and don't have an opinion on it so I don't know why I just love that you're breaking from the norm here. Maybe because I just enjoy it when people break from the norm. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Richard, sometimes it's just what strikes us at the moment.

Lynn, I understand!

LG, good, it wasn't just me.

Kimberly, all Andrew's idea!

Madeline, you were warned about Prometheus!

Kelly, sorry you couldn't comment.

Nicki, I'm definitely not normal...

Tonja said...

I like that idea for a blogfest. I'm trying to commit to nothing for November, but I might do this one....

Heather M. Gardner said...

I am incredibly happy and inspired by Nancy and Tara, two of my best blog buds in the whole blog-verse! I know they are going to find great success.

I had the same issue w/ Hunger Games. I didn't read the book either but the point of the movie is to make sure the general audience understands the film w/o having to read them. It was boring. I also would have swapped the two male actors. Hemsworth was much more interesting than the blonde guy who played her partner. But, that's just me.

Thanks for all the news and the new blogfest! Always keeping us busy!

Bish Denham said...

I think I may be one of the only people who read The Hunger Games and was disturbed by it... So much violence. And I had questions about the premise that gnawed at me the whole time I was reading it. So, I wasn't all hyped about seeing the movie. And now I know I don't have to bother.

Stunning cover Laura's book, Wish, The Awakening.

Isis Rushdan said...

Neat blogfest!

I do see the appeal of Hunger Games and understand why you were bored, but I enjoyed it and will most likely see the other movies.

Unknown said...

All signed up for the fest. What a fantastic idea. :) I wasn't much into The Hunger Games, it was interesting for actors like Woody, Elizabeth and Mark Strong, and Lenny Kravitz, of course.

And yes, Zombieland was one of the best zombie films ever. :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

No apologies. I wasn't a fan of the movie either, not have I finished the book. But my son loved it...just proves we need all sorts of stories to suit all sorts of tastes!

Old Kitty said...

Capn Ninja!!!

I can't comment over at Mithril's cos his comments box keeps asking me to go use google chrome or firefox and when I do it says my email is already registered etc etc and so I am now completely wrecked and in need of some air guitar practice...!

Take care

i'm erin. said...

I love your blogfest idea.

Also, I want to read Mistaken. Someone else was talking about that book on their blog and it sounds intense. I'm definitely going to pick it up.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

This blogfest is a great idea. I have a few bloggers I'd miss if they were gone. Nancy's book is a great pick. Thanks for reading my 'Letting Go' blogfest post.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Awesome blogfest! I've got a fairly long list of bloggers who have disappeared or become nearly silent . . .it saddens me.
I'm definitely excited for Tara!
And as for Hunger Games . . .the book is almost a necessity for the movie . . .except after you read it, you realize they didn't go far enough on the special effects in the Captitol.

Hart Johnson said...

Ha! I bought Laura's book last week because it looks fabulous! And I think Hunger Games probably was better for people who had read--there was some stuff the movie didn't include, but if you'd read, you'd have known. You SHOULD read. they are GREAT books.

Charles Gramlich said...

I couldn't see where to leave a comment over there, but I didn't know Rob Zombie had a brother. Learn something new all the time. Thanks for that tidbit.

Cate Masters said...

Disappointing about The Hunger Games. I was looking forward to seeing it.
Congrats to Laura on her release! I love a good djinn story.
Off to Mithril Wisdom...

Jo said...

Re The Hunger Games, I haven't seen the movie and probably won't. I loved the books, particularly the first one, and I know the whole thing would be spoiled by the movie makers.

Tess Julia said...

Great idea for a blogfest! I'm grateful for many faithful blogger friends out there, you included. I still can't figure out how you manage to keep up though.
I have to admit I liked the movie Hunger Games- but I love strong female protagonists. Now after reading all the comments I want to read the book too.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Love the idea of the blogfest. Questioning if I should enter because that is the middle of NaNo and I just don't know that I can make it around to other peoples blogs, which fills me with all sorts of guilt.


Mina Burrows said...

Happy Monday! The movie rarely captures the book, right? Oh well. I devoured The Hunger Games in one sitting. It was an incredible read. I can lend you my ebook if you want? The publisher has the lending enabled so let me know if your interested. I'd love to know what you think. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tonja, it's a simple one.

Heather - good to know it wasn't just me!

Bish, like how the districts would put up with that for seventy-four years?

Melissa, seeing Kravitz surprised me!

Kitty, I'm sorry!

Erin, I got to read a review copy and it's intense!

Charles, he does! And sorry you couldn't comment.

Rose, thank you!

Tasha, do it anyway for the people you would pick.

Jay Noel said...

The Hunger Games is on Netflix??? Huh. I couldn't find it. I saw it anyway in theaters.

I read the book - the book was by far much better. More intense. I'm a big fan of Battle Royale and The Running Man. I guess I just like those kinds of stories.

After reading all three books, I personally dislike the female protagonist. She fails to grow or really change much by the end.

Lydia Kang said...

I have yet to watch HG, though I loved the books. I think it's tepid reviews like this one that keep me from renting it.

Bossy Betty said...

Nice idea for a Blogfest!

I did Ok with the Hunger Games, but only because I read the book first. I think I would not have enjoyed the movie at all if I hadn't.

David P. King said...

No worries. I felt the same after watching HG. I wasn't a huge fan of the novel (thought it was written well), but the film felt like a watered-down version of that.

Now that I have caught onto this blogfest, I'll be sure not to miss it. :)

Leovi said...

Yes, it seems interesting I Miss You Blogfest

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

OH I signed up for the blogfest. It looks interesting. And I know all three people participating!

Summer Ross said...

I'm not expecting to have much time during NaNo for blogfests so I don't think I'll sign up, but it sounds lovely and so very nice for other bloggers. What a very sweet idea Alex.

Hunger Games, after all the hype I was a tad disappointed as well. But my daughter really enjoyed it so it works. :)

Jai Joshi said...

Off to visit Mithril Wisdom...


Carol Kilgore said...

I can't wait to read Laura's book! And I signed up for your blogfest - it's a great idea :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mina, it would just go into a really large pile of books I need to read - thanks though.

Jay, I didn't connect with her in the movie at all. And yes, it's on NetFlix.

David, excellent!

Summer, all Andrew's idea.

Thanks everyone for signing up for the blogfest!

Nancy Thompson said...

That was an excellent post over at Jamie's. perfect material for you. Laura's cover is breathtaking! Love it! Thanks for all the love on Friday. I love that we could celebrate our milestones together. It meant so much to me! And your followers were awesome in their support. Lastly, wow, 3 of my very guys throwing a party together. Am I ever in heaven! Signed up already & I can't wait.

Nancy Thompson said...

Oh yeah, and HG? The book was awesome. The movie, not so much.

Allison said...

Great idea for a blogfest! I've heard the Hunger Games movie was hard to follow if you hadn't read the books first. Off to check out Jamie's blog...

Allison (Geek Banter)

ben268 said...

I agree with the review of the hunger games, I mean it was entertaining, but It's not really a movie I'm going to watch over and over again.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I enjoyed the first two HUNGER GAMES books ... not so much the 3rd and last one. I enjoyed the movie, though I felt something was missing so I read the book, enjoying it more than the movie.

Perhaps that is why another director was chosen for the 2nd movie.

I'll be there for your blogfest. It sounds like it will be fun and insightful.

Sherry Ellis said...

Cool new blogfest! I'm very excited for Tara. I'll have to go congratulate her!

kjmckendry said...

Congratulations Tara! That's awesome!

Love the new blogfest idea!!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Guess I am prehistoric cyber-wise: Jamie's site said my browser was too ancient to be able to leave a comment. Your guest post was excellent and intriguing.

Ellie Garratt said...

Congratulations to Laura!

I've read all three of The Hunger Games books and have to say I was disappointed with the film. I was also bored in places. Such a shame.

I would love to do the blogfest but November is NaNoWriMo. I must resist. I must!

Sarah Ahiers said...

I think one of the big failures of the film was it didn't effectively capture the pace of the book, which was fast and slightly frenetic at points, whereas the movie rarely even came close to that pace, even during the action scenes.

LynNerdKelley said...

Wow, your two-year anniversary for CassaStar's release! Congrats, Alex! Also, congrats to Nancy, Tara, and Laura on their good news. The Hunger Games movie couldn't cover everything the book did. People who hadn't read the book first didn't get as much out of it as those who knew the whole scoop!

Morgan said...

Oooo... love the blogfest idea! Just signed up! :D

Rachna Chhabria said...

The blogfest sounds cool. Congrats to Nancy, Tara and Laura on their good news.

Budd said...

I liked Hunger Games in the theater, but upon second watching, I did think it was a little slow paced. I mean, you have 22 kids to kill in two hours, it shouldn't ever slow down.

Andrew Leon said...

Hunger Games didn't do it for me, either.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'm looking forward to reading Laura's book and signed up for the blogfest.

Johanna Garth said...

Love this blogfest idea but I need to think about it to see if I can come up with some I miss.

Jessie Humphries said...

I can totally think of a few bloggers I miss. This is a great idea!

mooderino said...

I think HG fans should be forced to watch Battle Royale. Forced!

Moody Writing

Angela Brown said...

I can actually say I picked up The Mistaken and Wish. For once, I had a little extra money to put towards my reading obsession. So I'm excited to read them soon.

The blogfest sounds intriguing. Still working on thoughts of who I could blog about...Hmmm...

Claire Hennessy said...

I loved the Hunger Games book so could appreciate the film more, but otherwise I think I would have found it lacking. Great idea for a blogfest - I'm in!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, it's all about making you happy!

Allison, I followed it, but at one point I almost stopped watching.

Thanks, Roland! I know, you're not the only one who has been unable to leave a comment.

Ellie, interesting since you had read the book.

Sarah, it was VERY slowly paced.

Lynn, I figured that was it.

Budd, exactly!

Andrew, we agree on a movie!

Moody, that made me laugh.

Thanks to all who've signed up for the blogfest!

Liesel K. Hill said...

Totally excited for Laura's book. The blogfest is a great idea, but I'll have to think about my answer a bit! :D

Victoria Smith said...

So much news and its only Monday! And I love the idea for this hop. So many people I'd love to see posting more :)

Carrie Butler said...

Congratulations to Laura and Tara! :) Aww, I'm going to have to skip this blogfest. My sister is due that day, so I'll probably be up at the hospital. Best of luck with it, though!

Suzanne Furness said...

Nice idea for a blogfest. I loved the Hunger Games but I had read the books first and thought this probably helped me to connect more with the film.

Christine Rains said...

That's awesome news for Tara! Great idea for a blogfest. I know exactly who I want to mention on it.

Elise Fallson said...

I read the book the Hunger Games, I liked it even though it made me cry. I refuse to watch the movie. Laura's book sounds great and I like the cover. Also love the idea for the blog fest!

Livia Peterson said...

Congrats, Tara! I was really intrigued when I went to see The Hunger Games in cinemas - I had seen it twice!

I love your blogfest! I had to sign up no matter what. Your blogfests will always be fun. I have a list in my head and expect to see you, Alex, on there - would miss. I would REALLY miss you :)

Can't wait until the big party!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, that's a good reason though!

Thanks, Livia!

farawayeyes said...

Read and saw The Hunger Games, and I'm with you. Really didn't like either the books or the movie.

Another Blogfest - Yay! I'm in.

M Pax said...

Congrats to Laura and Nancy.

I've not read Hunger Games yet, but 'my parents' sent me their copy. I blush about that... it's in my TBR pile. I bought the movie for holiday viewing.

Southpaw said...

Laura's book is at the top of my TBR List. I love the cover and premise.

And congrats to Tara!

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to Laura and Tara!! And that's a fantastic idea for a blogfest! said...

For the cover alone, Laura's book looks worth the purchase.

Congratulations, Laura and Tara.


Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey Alex,

ANOTHER BLOGFEST?! Two within a few months.... Hmm. ALL signed up #34.

What a great idea. There are several blogger friends that I adored full off the face of the earth. And, of course, there are many I would truly miss if they left.

I disappear from time to time, but I always find my way back.

How wonderful for TARA!!!!! CONGRATS SWEETS!!!!!

Congrats to Laura, too....

Ah, such good news ... I needed it today. It was a Murphy's law day today for me. It started when I cut my chin TWICE while shaving this morning. Downhill from there.

BUT>>> I did win a cool thumb drive from E.J. That did cheer me up IMMENSELY. So not all is bad.

I am like a rubber ball. I keep on bouncing along. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Another Blogfest? Cool! I'm on board. I can think of a nymber of bloggers who have sailed off into the sunset to points unkown.

Helena said...

Wish sounds delightful, Laura. I'll keep an eye out for it.

Jennie Bennett said...

The Hunger Games isn't for everyone! And I think you have to have read the book to understand the movie :)

Cathy Keaton said...

Oh my gosh, you really should read the Hunger Games! It's better than the movie. The movie left so much out.

Suze said...

Very cool post over at Jamie's blog, today, Al!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, good to know!

Michael, glad you signed up. We don't want YOU to vanish! And very cool you won a thumb drive from EJ.

JA, I suspected that.

Thanks, Suze.

And thanks everyone for joining the blogfest!

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,

Ah, my human friend, always a pleasure to have me visit your site.

And I shall paws a moment and then visit your special blogger buddy who also seems to enjoy bringing further awareness of the alphabet! Excellent!

This blogfest you mention is a most worthy ideal and I wish you well with that. I have been doing this for many years and visit bloggers who aren't posting much to see how they are doing, directly via a comment or an encouraging email.

I'm thrilled for all the pawsitive pawspectives so articulately noted by you in your most informative posting.

Pawsitive wishes, Penny :)

Kimberlee Turley said...

It's always nice to come back from a blogging vacation and find that my favorite bloggers are still there.

You're one of them. ; )

Chuck said...

Alex, if I had to admit it, Hunger Games was missing something, not sure what, but something. I liked it but left wanting...I also think the concept of kids having to kill kids took a little digesting. I haven't read the book but I have the next two books on my Kindle.

Heather Murphy said...

I'm excited for the new blogfest!
I liked the Hunger Games movie but as always, the movie left out some important parts of the book.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Penny, we have to be sure everyone knows their alphabet. And I send emails to those who are quite for a while. Sad when we never hear back.

Kimberlee, thank you!

Chuck, a faster pace?

Heather, they usually do.

Gwen Gardner said...

WooHoo, Yay for Tara! Thanks for all the updates, Alex, and congrats to Laura! her book sounds awesome - so many people getting published!

Golden Eagle said...

I read the first book in The Hunger Games and wasn't too impressed by it; I haven't bothered with the movie.

Great idea for a blogfest!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Love Laura's cover!

Hunger Games...I had no interest in reading the books--don't throw tomatoes and junk, it just didn't interest me. I haven't felt a great need to see the movie either. Hubs watched on DVD. You want me to wait for you? Um, no, thanks for asking. Not in the mood to watch it. Why not he asks? Dunno, just doesn't seem interesting to me. I'll pass.

Funny, he mentioned Running Man too. I thought of Logan's run. *shrugs. Oh well.

dolorah said...

Sounds like a cool blogfest, but I will be on blog break Nov and Dec. I really must see if I can complete a project, or even work on edits and revisions on a couple completed one. My blog buddies are so entertaining and helpful and always have something going on, so it never seems the right time to just drop out for a while.

I'll miss the blogfest :( But I'll be thinking of everyone :)

I love Jamie's blog, I'll check out your post. And congrats to Tara!


LD Masterson said...

I joined the blogfest. Nice concept.

I was lukewarm on the Hunger Games movie. It was okay but from all the buildup I expected more.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I never say so to my daughter, but I found The Hunger Games pretty boring too.
You're killing me, Smalls, but I signed up for the newest blogfest.
Laura's book looks and sounds great. See ya at Jamie's.

SC Author said...

Yay, you watched The Hunger Games :)) Awesome idea for a blog fest, by the way; incredibly thoughtful.

Susan Oloier said...

I've heard Hunger Games is better in book form than in film.
What a great blogfest! I definitely have a blogger who I truly miss.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sia, ask him if he was hoping Richard Dawson would make an appearance.

Donna, hope you pop in now and then.

Susan, wasn't just me then.

Tina said...

Ok, Ninja Captain. I'm going to do something I've never done before. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. Why the flip haven't you read the Hunger Games series yet???? It's THE first new premise to come along since Cassans who can teleport without the teleporter! Seriously, read the books. THEN watch the movie again. You're really missing out. The movie was OK, but it was about a D+ compared to an A+ of a book. My opinion. Feel free to disagree in return. After all, we're friends...
Tina @ Life is Good

Unknown said...

That's a cool idea for a blogfest. I've wanted to read Battle Royale for awhile now. I found out about right after reading the Hunger Games trilogy. The thought the movie was a good adaptation. Time to check out guest post!

TL Conway said...

I went to see HG in the theater but we got there late and were forced to sit in the end seats of the very front row. Given the way HG was filmed, I cannot recommend front row seats!

But I did see Looper (a few weeks ago, admittedly) and have been meaning to tell you. I needed the entire next day to really think my way through it, but very cool movie!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to Laura and Tara! I'll look for you over at Jamie's! Julie

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I wasn't blown away by The Hunger Games either, and though I somewhat liked it, I still thought there was something missing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the guest post Alex, it rocked!!


DMS said...

Hi Alex, This is the perfect time to use that quote that's been going around-don't judge the book by its movie- The Hunger Games is amazing story. I didn't particularly care for the movie either. Thanks! Great post : ) ~ Jess

Ciara said...

I signed up for the blog fest. November is a little crazy, but I'll give it my best.

I'm sorry, did you just say something negative about Hunger Games? I think I read that wrong. Okay, I have to admit the book was better, but still.

Unknown said...

I did not read any of the Hunger Game Books, but I did see the movie and quite enjoyed it, although I thought the violence was a bit over the top.
Laura Eno's cover on Wish is lovely, I wish her the best for the release.

Anonymous said...

Alex, you are my hero! I have felt for such a long time, that I have been the only person to have not read The Hunger Games. Thank you! :-)

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Interesting idea for a blogfest, Alex. You always have something new going on!

Mary Montague Sikes

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tina, sorry, not really my genre. And Battle Royale did come out before those books.

TL, wasn't it a great film? Yes, a thinking person's movie.

Sorry, Ciara, it just didn't work for me.

CM, don't watch Battle Royale then - that IS violence over the top.

Rebecca, glad I could make your day!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Wow, what a coincidence. I'm #46... and I'm no longer 46 years old. Nor was I born in 1946. Nor am I 64. Wow!

Hi Alex, Ninja Captain, sir!

Yay, Nancy! Hope she waves at us when she's on the telly.

Talli Roland said...

Alex, I am in awe of your energy with all these blogfests!

Love Laura's new cover.

randi lee said...

I'm with you, Alex. Hunger Games was Battle Royale without the exploding necklaces. Hated it!

Leovi said...

Nice visit to Mithril Wisdom!, Another picture of you with the guitar, I hope to hear your music.

Nicole said...

Cool idea for a blogfest!

I have to say I enjoyed the Hunger Games movie in a totally different way than I enjoyed the books. The books are more about pace, action and emotion. The movie was great, but it had a higher level, semi-uncomfortable "I can't believe a society would do this" vibe, rather than action.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Talli, I think I'm in awe as well...

Randi, true - no exploding necklaces!

Leovi, you will have a chance next month...

Stephsco said...

I can understand if you didn't fully engage in The Hunger Games; I think it might be richer movie experience if you've read the book. I definitely see the appeal for the younger demographic since they might not be as familiar with other movies that have done this dystopian world thing (a great gateway for it, though!).

Unknown said...

The Hunger Games disappointed a little for me too, given all the buzz about it. I've never seen Battle Royale, or The Running Man, and now I'm curious. :-)

Melissa said...

Hunger Games is on Netflix?
Hooah - The kids are getting kicked off the Wii tonight! :D

Ella said...

Hunger Games books are better than the movie~ A lot of fans were disappointed~ Okay, I know two who where, lol.

Yes, I remember we talked about
The Running Man ;D

Congrats to all...

Great blogfest idea...
the Thankful kind

Stay well...this cold/flu thing is mean!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I agree that the Hunger Games movie was boring. I loved the first book though (2 & 3 not so much). I found the movie lacked...spark.

Anonymous said...

Hunger Games is one of my favorite movies, but one you really need to read the book first and then the movie just enhances your experience. No worries though, Alex, I could never hate you:-)

Hildie McQueen said...

Yes! Pumping two fists in the air! I hated the Hunger Games, both book and movie. Finally someone else who doesn't get whats to great about kids killing each other while people with drag outfits watch and clap!!

Oh yeah, added myself to the Blog thingy, thanks for the opp!

Anonymous said...

I'll check out your guest post.

I wish I could join the blogfest, but it's right before a trip.

I tried reading The Hunger Games and couldn't finish it. I only read about fifteen pages or so. I'm thinking of giving it another chance.

mshatch said...

Definitely excited for Tara's book; I've read excerpts and they were good!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, that made me laugh!

Ella, I plan to avoid the flu thing!

Lynda, good assessment.

Jamie, thanks!

Hilde, I didn't get it!! You are not alone.

Jeremy Bates said...

Hey, Alex, I am in at #49. The last blog hop I was in was the Virtual Zombie Walk and it was dead (no pun intended). I know this will be much better. Thanks for hosting it.

Lisa said...

Oh wow that is quite a blogfest Alex. After blogging for three and a half years I do have bloggers that I emotionally miss. And Alex, congratulations on CassaStar's two year anniversary. And Alex, not sure if I've told you, this is oceangirl. I think I did.

RaveAir said...

Interesting blogfest (again), I fear I'll skip it this time.

I have not seen The Hunger Games and not read the books eighter. I think I have not lost too much.

Tara Tyler said...

wow! i am so glad i finally got back over here! i felt like i was hosting my own personal hop visiting my announcement commenters! how do you do it, alex!? so consistent!!

thanks, alex, for mentioning my news! (thats always been a goal of mine, to be mentioned in one of your widely read posts!!) and yay for your fest, always thinking of others!!

and thanks to everyone for all the excitement & congrats!! i'm warm & fuzzy! you all rock!

Tara Tyler said...

and laura's book looks awesome! been seeing it everywhere! so much support!

Michelle Wallace said...

Tara is one of the sweetest bloggers in BloggyVille, and also the first person I met.
Nancy's book is definitely a must-read...
...and YAY! for the latest blogfest!!
I've signed up at no. #50

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, thanks for participating!

Oceangirl! Thanks for letting me know. Glad you are back - we've missed YOU.

Zoltan, you haven't.

Tara, you're welcome! And I do it out of sheer determination.

Michelle, thanks for joining us.

Anonymous said...

I am very intrigued by Laura's book! Must add to my Goodreads. Thanks for the heads-up.

Anonymous said...

As with most book-to-movie projects, the original Hunger Games material is MUCH better. But don't read the last book; it's crap.

Julie Flanders said...

What a great idea for a blogfest! Laura's book looks awesome, kudos to her.

And here I thought I was the only person alive who was bored by Hunger Games. Glad I'm not alone.

Sangu Mandanna said...

I loved the Hunger Games movie, but I also loved the books when they came out. And it's funny, but I've noticed that the people I know who have seen the movie AND liked it tend to be women. I wonder if the teen angst and romantic subplot puts male viewers off?

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations to Tara! I've been hearing so many recent stories about writers signing with CQ. It's nice to see that a small publishing house is gaining such a name for itself.

Re: Laura's book, I've been seeing a lot of recent covers with purple and dark blue. If it's a trend, it's one I really like!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Milo, that bad huh?

Julie, you are not alone!

Sangu, maybe. I know I wanted more action, less angst.

Jack said...

I wasn't crazy about The Hunger Games either. The ending was a bit exciting, but the beginning slow and dull.

Leovi said...

Very interesting I Miss You Blogfest, but for me it's hard to pick just three.

Jazz bazooka said...

yeah, i also did not like that the hunger games are similar to battle royal, but hey, battle royal was great so why not

Saumya said...

Still haven't seen Hunger Games (cowering in shame). I love your Blogfests, always. You come up with the best ideas for them!!

Donea Lee said...

Hey, Alex!! Just popping by to say "hello!" :)

Congrats to Tara and Laura - love Laura's cover!

And I don't think the movie did The Hunger Games first book justice, imho. The book is SOOO much better. But, then...isn't that the way it usually goes? :)

Happy Wednesday to you!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Saumya, it was all Andrew's idea! I'm just along for the ride.

Hey Donea! Yes, it is.

Jessica Salyer said...

Great blogfest. Can I miss myself? I feel that I've neglected my poor blog. LOL. :)

Unknown said...

Wish, The Awakening sounds like something I would really enjoy. It had me at "Dark Fantasy" and the beautiful smoke border on the cover.

Thanks for sharing, Alex!

alexia said...

I'll definitely pop over and visit you at Jamie's. And what a sweet topic for a blog fest!

Unspoken said...

Did you admit... outloud... you were a bit bored at Hunger Games?! too. I liked it, but some of it dragged.

Anonymous said...

You know... I loved the Hunger Games books, but I wasn't the same way with the movie... so I know what you mean.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, that made me laugh!

She Writes, yes I did!

ShaunaKelleyWrites said...

I can't judge for the boredom in the Hunger Games. Yep, the film (which I did love) boasts a plot rather similar to The Running Man, because they stripped one crucial element out of the book-- the, uhh, hunger. It was actually a crucial component of the whole back story that most of the districts were starving, and it very much added to the story.

Luna said...

The book version was definitely better than the movie. So much was left out!

anthony stemke said...

I could not agree with you more. I did not like the Hunger Games at all.My spouse and her daughter and son-in-law liked it. I thought it would never end.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I think Hunger Games was better in book form than movie. I wasn't over-enthused by the movie.

Congratulations on the new books to Nancy and Laura!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Mark said...

Thanks for the tip on Hunger Games...I've been avoiding seeing them in the fear of having a similar reaction.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'll have to skip the November blogfest. I'm going to do NaNoWriMo again this year, and I'll have to cram it into 22 days because I'll have four days out of town and four days of company at Thanksgiving. That's all the challenge I can handle.

Nick Wilford said...

Congrats to Tara and Laura. It sounds like a lot of good vibes will be spread in the blogfest - it's a great idea!

Ink in the Book said...

Way to go Tara!
Loved Nancy's story!
And I guess I'll go against your grain on this one and let oyu know I loved Hunger Games. Book was better, of course, but the movie was cool, too. I guess if you got kids, movies like that are what you watch!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MMShauna, I suspected something was missing.

Anthony, that is how I felt!

Patricia, great you're doing NaNo though!

Ink, I don't have kids, so that probably didn't help.

Peggy Eddleman said...

Such a fabulous idea for a blog hop! I love it!!

nutschell said...

Cool blogfest!
Hunger Games the movie didn't have as much of the internal conflict and emotion which made the book so good. maybe that's what's missing :)



Hi Alex signed up for Miss yOU blogfest but it did not show up.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Peggy, glad you're on board!

Nutschell, something was missing...

Yvonne, you are there at number sixty.

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

We'll see how it goes. Thanks again Alex. (I've deleted my earlier comment)

Hildie McQueen said...

Looking forward to the Blogfest! Yay another person who didn't get the Hunger Games. It bothered me so much that I refuse to even think about that movie. Cheerio!

Yolanda Renée said...

For some reason I'm always last, but better late than never. Right?