The Bourne Legacy
I’ve read the books (except this one – of course) and enjoyed the other movies. And I enjoyed this one as well!
The events of the last Bourne movie overlap, with Jason Bourne arriving in New York. However, the movie focuses on the two leads – Jeremy Renner as Aaron Cross and Rachel Weisz as Dr. Marta Shearing. This movie expands on the Bourne mythos, revealing other operatives and an ever-widening conspiracy to keep the project a secret.
The film has a slower pace in the beginning, but when the action picks up, it goes full throttle. I found it incredibly entertaining and had no problem following the plot. The series could easily continue with Renner or follow another operative altogether. Good film!
Siv Maria is hosting the Unforgettable Blogfest August 13-15 – post about a place or person who left a lasting impression on you. Her blogfest is to celebrate the release of her first published story, “Secrets of the Ash Tree,” in the fantasy anthology, Open Doors. EBook will be available free for a limited time only through the Wayman publishing book fair starting Labor Day weekend. See Siv’s SITE for all the details!
Part Two of Andrew Leon’s book, Shadow Spinner, is available for free on Amazon now. Download “The Kitchen Table” HERE
I was notified last night that I won Diane’s Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire Contest! Thanks so much, guys. I am really honored. Roland and Misha were just as deserving. Thanks to those who voted, and I hope I live up to that title.
MAJOR breakthrough with edits for CassaStorm this weekend! So many subplots emerged by the end of the first draft and I finally figured out how to really tie in one that rocks. So stoked!!
And just to let you know, I will not be posting on Wednesday.
TV Trivia Answers
1 – Burn Notice’s Bruce Campbell also stared in what western series? The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
2 – On Deep Space Nine, what do Rom and Quark call their mother? Moogie
3 – Who plays Jayne Cobb on the show Firefly? Adam Baldwin
4 – On the X-Files, what character did Mitch Pileggi play? Agent Skinner
5 – On Psych, who plays Shawn Spencer’s dad? Corbin Bernsen
My Next Blogfest!
I’ve hosted six solo blogfests:
Movie Dirty Dozen
Top Ten TV Shows
Top Ten Countdown - Music
It’s All Fun and Games
Worst Movies Ever
First Loves
Now are you ready for blogfest lucky number seven?
Genre Favorites Blogfest, September 17, 2012
One blogfest, four favorites!
List your favorite genre of:
And a guilty pleasure genre from any of the three categories!
Sign up below and spread the word!
Did you see The Bourne Legacy? Get the TV trivia questions right? And are you ready for the Genre Favorites Blogfest?
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YAY for the new blogfest! I'm in!
Sounds like a fun blogfest, Alex. I will try and sign up and join in.
I'm there! Heck, I've gotten most of the answers already written. O_O
Oh no - that's a terrible blogfest. So many genres... how am I supposed to choose?????? Of course, I'm in - it'll be a challenge, but I might have to sign up several times just to get them all in.
The new blogfest sounds like fun already, so I'm definitely in. The Bourne Legacy sounds like fun as well; Jeremy Renner is quickly becoming one of my favorite leading men.
Just signed up for the Blogfest, sounds great!
Congrats for winning the Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire Contest, definitely the best choice.
Glad to hear you worked out a subplot for CassaStorm that connects well.
Wow, that's a lot of blogfests! Signed up to your latest one--sounds like fun!
I signed up your new blogfest. It won't be easy to decide from the so many genres I like. But this is the challange... isn't it? ;)
You know I am in. Funny you have more joining your blogfest in one hour then I have managed in several days. Captain Ninja rocks! Looking forward to seeing the Bourne Legacy more than ever now.
Wow, it'raining blogfests.
I've read the book, seen the the trilogy in college and didn't realise that RL was dead when I bought this one.
Just saw the name Bourne and paid the authorised mobile-book vendor before scrambling onto the foot board of the slow moving, long distance train(no auto doors except in the metro rail.):D As I read it, I noticed changes of style and pace, looked at the author name...a commendable effort but didn't hold the same thrill as the originals for me.
Not sure if I want to see this one.
Congrats to Siv, Andrew and to you. Sorry, I forgot to vote for time, I'll do the stuff right away lest it slips off my mind.
Your blogfest is tempting...I enjoyed the last one.
Yay for your Blogfest! Sounds amazing and fun!!
The new look Bourne looks good! Take care
blogfest... are fun.
so you liked the new bourne film, i too enjoyed the first three, though i feel it should have ended. i find it hard to support films that are just stretching the ideas. what we need is a lethal weapon 5 called "i am really too old for this..." roger and riggs in a retirement home shooting the breeze.
Interesting approach to the Bourne sequel, sort of going sideways. Will probably wait for it to come out on DVD.
Total Recall reboot seems to have tanked. Not even Kate could save it.
Capt... we need more power - but apart from that, I'm in like Flynn.
Congrats on the Supportive Blogger award. You certainly deserve it. :)
Congrats on the Supportive Blogger award. You certainly deserve it. :)
Aldrea, you'll be all set then!
Michael, he is an acting machine right now.
Zoltan, that is indeed the challenge.
Siv, only because I've been hyping it for months already.
Rek, I have the book, just haven't read it. Didn't even notice the author was different, so that's good to know.
Jeremy, I bet that film would make money...
Moody, sad isn't it?
Thanks guys!
Congrats on the award Alex.
BTW Shadow Spinner is free doenload on not Sounds exciting though.
We might watch this latest Bourne at some stage purely by dint of your enthusiastic review ;O)
Blogfest looks great.
Congratulations on your award Alex! You are very deserving.
VERY Excited for the blog fest!!!
Congratulations on your award, Alex!!
I heard that moviegoers need to review the other Bourne movies before watching this one--sound right?
Sounds like a fun blogfest, I love seeing what other people are into. :)
Congratulations on your award! (And on your breakthrough with your edits!) :)
I haven't seen the other Bourne movies but this one looks good - I liked Renner in The Avengers (that was him, wasn't it?)
Sounds like a great blogfest. I've been curious about the Bourne movie. I loved the first three. I'll have to work this one in.
Way to go winning the Supportive Blogger award!
I'm glad the latest Bourne movie is a good one (you're the third positive review I've read so far), so I will check it out.
Guilty many possibilities.
I'm glad the Bourne movie was good. I always worry about great series when they change the actor, as sometimes they're just making the movie as a cash grab to trade in on the name.
Congratulations on winning Diane's contest!
And I missed the first six, but I'm on-board for blogfest #7!
Congrats on the win - you deserve it! :D And glad to hear your WIP is coming together. Those 'stoked' moments are the best. ;)
I'm signed up. It sounds like fun!
Congrats, Alex. You totally deserve this award. You ARE the most supportive blogger I know (and yes, we're blessed that there are many out there) but you do it with such fun and spark and each of your posts is chock full of praise and support for others, and a bit of you: fun-loving, sci-fi and movie guy who just wants the blogworld to be a friendlier, more supportive place. THEN you were Lee's right-hand man to bring all of that to the A-Z. It's you two who set the tone there, and that place now has your trademark inclusiveness and encouragement. I'm honored to be counted in you very large army.
Will need to check out the new Bourne. Seen them all, love them all, but since I'd read the books first, Matt Damon as Bourne was hard for me at first, but he sure won me over. However, from the poster, it looks like they've picked a new lead. Say it isn't so?
All set for your next blogfest! Sounds like a fun one. I'm most interested in what people will admit as their guilty pleasure. Mine might surprise you...
Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!
You're such a tease, Alex. :) Congrats on the award!
Congratulations on winning the Supportive Blogger Contest! You deserve it; you work hard to support us all. It's been a blessing to get to know you.
Have a great week!
Madeleine, sorry it's not on Amazon UK as free.
Elizabeth, it helps to know the whole story.
Madeline, that was Renner!
Bryan, it helped that he was a new character and not replacing Bourne.
Aw Tina, thanks! And Renner plays a new character, so he doesn't take over as Bourne.
Thank you, everyone!!!
Congrats Alex! :D
So excited about The Bourne Legacy. I have a feeling this is going in a Bond direction(switch it up). Funny, I told my daughter yesterday to punch it, throttle it...(we were out driving)augh~ I don't use these words, often, lol
oooh, this is a tough I really have to narrow my focus?!
Ok, but my guilty pleasure might just be TV related(BB) ;D
Yay. I'm ready for another blog fest!! :) I can't wait to see Bourne Legacy. :) SWEET!!
Congratulations on the win AND the breakthrough in your edits.
I think The Bourne Legacy is one both my husband and I would enjoy.
And, I've signed up for you blogfest!
Congratulations on winning the supportive blogger award! Glad to hear the Bourne movie was good. I was wondering how it would be without Matt Damon.
Excited for the blogfest!
Glad to hear Jeremy Renner (yes - that's his name!) did well in the new Bourne movie. Excited to see it.
Also very happy to hear about the breakthrough with CassaStorm. That's exciting! Have a great week Alex!
The blogging world spoke - you are the most supportive.
Blogfest sounds fun. I'm in!
Shouldn't be any surprise you won. :) I am trying to hold off on blogfests for a while until I get some momentum going with my writing.
Congrats, Alex!! You deserve it! Thanks for supporting so many other writers.
Congrats on the Most Supportive Blogger!!! Very well deserved.
Good luck with all the CassaStorm edits. Can't wait till that one comes out :D
I am glad you made a break through with the editing! Such things are always wonderful, and so nice to get done.
I'm eagerly awaiting a chance to go see the new Bourne movie! I've heard it is very good from others as well.
Great review of Bourne Legacy, I've heard mixed things so I'm still on the fence. Blogfest sounds fun, I'm excited to see the entries :)
I did not see the new 'Bourne'. I'm terrible at TV trivia BUT I'm in on the Blogfest.
Oh man, Bourne sounds so good! I love those books and films. I cannot wait to see this new flick! And woohoo! Your blogfest sounds like fun I've already signed up. Thanks for making it an easy one. My brain is already on overload with life. Congrats on winning Spunk's contest. I knew you were a shoe-in! And congrats again on the CassaStorm edits and subplots coming together. What a GREAT feeling!! We'll miss you on Wednesday.
Congrats on winning the supportive blogger award. I can't think of a more deserving person. Looking forward to the blogfest.
Thanks for the Bourne review! ANd its great when all those subplots fall in line with the main plot. Good luck with the editing. ANd I signed up for the Blogfest.
Yaaaaaay for awesome edits, Alex! Keep rockin' it!!! :D
Congrats on winning the contest and for having an awesome weekend of editing! Looking forward to the new blogfest. :)
Congats on the supportive blogger - you deserve it!
I'm in for the blogfest
Strange new blog fest! I'll be signing up for it.
Congratulations on your win! Well deserved. I'm psyched for the blogfest...great idea.
It's strange to me that another actor is portraying Jason Bourne. Is he supposed to be the same man?
I am resistant to the Bourne Legacy... haven't decided whether I will go see it. I LOVED the other Bourne movies and thought Matt Damon did a great Jason Bourne... so I'm just not sure. :)
Yay for your new blogfest! I'm excited to participate!
Ella, wish you'd taught me how to drive! And the blogfest is a challenge, but I bet you can narrow it down to one genre in each category.
Sherry, Renner did really good.
Tonja, it's still a month away, so plenty of time to decide.
Nancy, I try to keep it simple around here. And thanks!
Jennifer, no - Renner is another operative, so he doesn't play Bourne.
Thanks for your words of encouragement guys! And glad so many have signed up for the blogfest.
Nice and interesting Unforgettable Blogfest. Greetings.
Okay I'm in. Can't do it on Tossing It Out since I have a guest that day, but this can fit well into my memoir blog so I'll do it there.
Wrote By Rote
Thinking about seeing the Bourne movie.
Count me in for this blogfest--looks like fun!
Fab idea about the blogfest, Alex! I'm in!
Congrats on the award Alex! This weekend my friends and I had the choice of watching Bourne or Total Recall. From what I've heard I made the right choice. Glad you enjoyed it though. Didn't the books take a sharp turn from the movies?
I should go watch The Bourne Legacy on the weekend of the 25th, if it's still on theaters.
Good going with CassaStorm's edits!
Woot, nice blogfest! You and your great ideas! Can't wait for it ;)
I've enjoyed all the Bourne movies I've seen, but I tend to get them pretty confused. At first I didn't like the idea of the genetically modified character in this story but I'll have to give it a look and a chance.
Hi Alex
Just what I need to start the writing and blogging juices flowing, a blogfest. So I'm in.
This looks like a blogfest I could handle...and the timing is good...maybe I'll sign up for this one, Alex.
I can't wait to see Bourne! I have loved every movie in the series so far.
Congrats on winning!
I've joined your blogfest and will have to prepare my picks now.
Fairbetty, that's why this one worked - Renner did not replace Damon as Bourne.
Lee, I knew you couldn't resist.
Maurice, I haven't read this last one, so no idea.
Patricia, join us - this one is easy!
Congrats on winning Diane's contest. You sure had a fan base rooting for ya! :) Also congrats to Siv on her story. Love the title of it! Sounds like you will be hosting another favorite blogfest! :)
As always I am late to the party, darn time difference ...
congrats on the win, I had no doubt.
Great theme for the blogfest, of course I am in.
All signed up! Congrats on the supportive blogger award. You are one of the best.
That is completely awesome about CassaStorm. Can't wait till it's all published and ready to read. :)
I got the trivia, oh yeah! LOL I never get all the answers so it's a perk this Monday morning. :)
Signed up and looking forward! Siv's sounds great too. Have a wonderful day and thank you for your kind words on my post. :-)
I'm in, of course, for the blogfest. Thanks for the review of THE BOURNE LEGACY. Smart of them to have it over-lap with the last film. Rachel Weiz's inclusion in the movie led me to think it was a quality film. Congrats on winning Diane's competition. All of us who are your friends are winners for that friendship! Great news on CassaStorm!
Thanks for the plug!
I really want to see Bourne, but I can't say that's likely to happen.
Alexandra, good thing this party never stops!
Melissa, you scored with your answers. And just really excited with the new twist in CassaStorm.
Thanks so much, Roland. And Rachel Weiz is always a plus in a movie.
Andrew, you're welcome.
Congratulations on your award. You truly it. You sure watch a lot of movies. The Bourne Legacy sounds good. I will try to see it.
I am looking forward to your blogfest.
You TOTALLY deserve that blog award :) And I've always wanted to watch the Bourne series, and my cousins were talking about it yesterday. I'm not sure if I should read it first or just watch the movies....
You TOTALLY deserve that blog award :) And I've always wanted to watch the Bourne series, and my cousins were talking about it yesterday. I'm not sure if I should read it first or just watch the movies....
I've seen all the Bourne movies.
Are you kidding? I never get the trivia right.
Blogfest sounds fun!
I want to go see the new Bourne.
We went too see Hope Springs. It was hilarious, even if we were the only people under 50 in the theater. :)
I did see the Bourne Legacy! (I think that may be the first time I've been able to say that about a film you've mentioned)
Congrats on the win!
Congrats on the edits!
Congrats on being recognized by so many for being so awesome.
(And thanks for the movie review too!)
I won't be seeing Bourne Legacy any time soon, so I'm kinda jealous you saw it already. I love Jeremy Renner and I beleive he's going to rock as Jason Bourne. Thanks for the review.
I am pretty interested to see how Hawkeye does in Bourne movie.
He looks a lot like Chris Jerricho.
SC, faster to get through the movies!
Leigh, that's funny.
Patsy, good for you!
Thank you, Jeff.
George, he played a different character, so he didn't take over the role - but the movie was great.
Congratulations on winning the supportive blogger contest!!
Looks like you're becoming the king of blogfests.
I'm glad the new Bourne is good! I'm going to be on a blog break in September :(
Congrats on your win!
Excellent idea for a blogfest. :D
Got Shadow Spinner. Can't wait for your blogest and glad your edits are going well. I want to see The Bourne Legacy too. And thanks for being the first to comment on my What If blogest entry, My Entry.
Guilty pleasures? I'll have to give that some thought.
Congrats on winning the Supportive Blogger and your breakthrough. :) That's a great blogfest! Can't wait!
Nice to hear that Bourne Legacy is good! I'm thinking about seeing it this weekend. I definitely liked the earlier movies, though I haven't read the books.
Gotta see Bourne. Good luck with those edits.
Catherine Stine’s Idea City
I really liked the new Bourne movie. I was actually surprised by how much I liked it (since my expectations were pretty high). I'm so glad the new direction they took was a good one.
Can't wait for the new blogfest!
Congratulations on the Supportive Blogger Award. It's well deserved. Your support is limitless.
Wanda, I sure host enough of them!
Sheena, I'm a stealthy Ninja...
JW, you'll enjoy it.
SL, my wife really like this one a lot as well, which surprised me.
Thanks everyone!
Excited for the blogfest!! And I love the Bournes :)And that award belongs to you more than anyone else. Seriously, you are the most supportive blogger I know, Alex. Congrats!
1. Congratulations on winning Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire! Well deserved, my friend. :)
2. High-five for edits!
3. Genre Favorites sounds like fun. I'm in!
Yay for a subplot that rocks. And for your next blogfest.
Cool blogfest! I'm in. I haven't seen Bourne yet, but I want to! Awesome post! Thanks! :D
Congratulations on your breakthrough with editing! I know how good that can feel.
I love the Bourne movies and am definitely planning to see this latest one, even if the lead isn't Matt Damon.
Congratulations on your edits!
Just signed up for the blogfest. It sounds like a lot of fun.
Nice! I'm signed up for the blogfest and have it posted on my blogfest tab. :)
Thank you, Saumya!
Helena, Renner does a great job. You'll like it.
Summer, thank you for doing that!
Thanks, guys!
I'm all in. I liked the first three Bourne movies and I'll probably rent this one instead of seeing it in theater.
I really liked Brisco County. It was a little bit steam punk.
I haven't seen any of the Bourne movies- although they do look like movies I would enjoy. I missed the first one in the theater and then I needed to rent it, but didn't before the 2nd one came out. So- I still need to watch them. Maybe one snow day this winter- then they will all be out. :)
Congrats on the edits and the award! Wow!
I couldn't get into the Bourne movies. I don't know why. It's usually the type of movie I love.
Looking forward to your blogfest!! I should give hosting one a go, but I'm not brave enough. What if no one signs up? lol.
I have been into the Bourne series from the beginning. I thought Damon was great in his role. I for sure will see the Legacy.
Yeah! I got two right....
I am in for the blogfest!
I wondered if Bourne Legacy was good or not. Glad to hear it is good. It is a great series of movies.
I got three out of five in the trivia - better than I expected. And of course I signed up for your blogfest!!!
Hey, Alex. Yeah, my wife and oldest son saw Bourne Legacy last week. It was enjoyed by all, and I thought it was a worthy addition to the series. They didn't try to have Renner assume the Jason Bourne character, nor did they repeat themselves, but came up with something new.
I haven't joined a blogfest in a while, so I'm in!!
Have a great week.
Susan, it was steampunk.
DMS, you'll have a Bourne fest!
Lynda, you know people would sign up!
Chuck, you'll dig it.
MsHatch, glad you're on board.
James, exactly. He's a whole new operative. And thanks for joining the blogfest.
So excited about the Bourne Movie!
Joined your blogfest, didn't see it until now.
I hate it when they change the MC actor. It's not always an improvement. (Re-Bourne)
I signed up. I'll add the button to my sidebar.
Congrats to the "Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire!" Great theme for your new blogfest! Julie
Hi Alex .. what wonderful support - that's amazing .. I shall watch from the sidelines ...
You're a star the way you promote everyone .. and you get around so much to all the blogs - really amazing ...
Congratulations to you and the blog etc .. I'll get to your trilogy soon too .. cheers Hilary
DG, just posted about the blogfest today! And Renner doesn't play Bourne - he's a new character.
Thanks, Medeia!
Thanks, Julie.
Thank you, Hilary.
Alex, many congrats on winning the most supportive blogger! No surprise there - you totally deserve it. :)
Dave'll be stoked about your editing! Congrats!
And I'm glad to hear you liked the new Bourne flick. A girl at work was raving about it yesterday, too. Maybe I can talk hubby into a date night this week...
I bet you can guess what my genres are going to be? :)
I'm looking forward to watching Renner as Mr. Cross. The commercials look great! Glad they are continuing the series.
Congrats on the Contest!!! YEAH!!! You are well deserving!
And super glad to hear about your writing breakthroughs!!!
Can't wait for your blogfest!
... apologies, Alex - my entry went through twice (stupid work computers). The first entry of mine has an incomplete URL, so feel free to delete that one :)
Was Matt Damon in The Bourne Legacy or was Jason Bourne just spoken of, off camera?
Just signed up for the new blog fest. Congrats on the award. You really deserve it!
woo hoo!
september! 1/2 way there!
Oooh that sounds like a fun blogfest!
I liked the first three Bourne movies and I like Rachel Weisz, but I wasn't particularly struck on the new Bourne trailer - sounds like it was better than it looked, though, so I may give it a shot!
And the blogfests and awards just keep coming. Have to sit this next one out, I'm afraid. Hoping to take a break and recharge before the end of the year and recharging is out of the question.
Cathy, talk him into it!
Jamie, let me think...
And I'll fix the double entry.
Al, he wasn't in it, they just referred to when he arrives in New York in the third movie.
Sangu, go - besides, Rachel kicks butt.
Lee, we'll miss you.
Thanks, guys!
I'm in!! I want to see the new Bourne movie, but I'll probably have to wait until it comes to DVD.
I'm going to see Bourne Legacy TODAY!
It's about time you told us what the new blogfest was about! ;)
The Bourne movies are entertaining. Greetings.
CONGRATS on winning the Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire Contest!
Karen, enjoy!
Cherie, I know. Ninjas are allowed to taunt.
Thanks, Susanne!
Sounds like a fun blogfest! Can't wait!
I'm in on the blogfest! Way to go with the editing breakthrough and I'm looking forward to Bourne!
Now that's a blogfest I can handle. Am adding it to my calendar! Sounds like fun, Alex. :)
Have been too tired to leave a comment yesterday.
Why I'm not really surprised that you won Diane's Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire Contest? CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I love to read the CassaStorm updates.
The blogfest is interesting but I have to concentrate on writing reviews. Unfortunately I missed two dates.
LG, glad you're with us!
Thanks, Laura.
Liz, I tried to keep it simple.
Edi, thanks! And those reviews come first. Think you'll really like the direction of CassaStorm.
I'm so glad the hear about Bourne. I want to see that one bad with my hubby. I also want to see ParaNorman too with my kids. The kid movie will probably win. :)
Congrats on winning the Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire Contest! Awesome! :)
I'm glad you liked The Bourne Legacy. I was planning on seeing it already, but now it's a sure thing...
Ooh, a blogfest! Fun, fun. I haven't seen the Bourne Legacy yet, but soon! I'm looking forward to it. :-)
Mina, thanks. And see both!
Pat, go and enjoy.
Gwendolyn, join us!
Awesome idea for a blogfest, Alex! I'm off to sign up for it.
And I'm so looking forward to the Bourne Legacy.
Congratulations on the award, you definitely deserve it! Also, congrats on the breakthrough. Man, that feels good, doesn't it? Sounds like a great blog fest, and I'm glad to hear Bourne is a good one. I'm not a Matt Damon fan, so I'm all kinds of excited about Renner continuing on.
Is there a Bourne Legacy novel? I thought Ludlum was dead. I read the original trilogy as a teenager. Loved it.
Thanks, Nicole!
Shannon, you'll really dig it then.
Matthew, it's a new author writing it. I have the book, just haven't read it yet.
Man, I'm always late to the party! :) Congrats on breakthroughs with revision. I love when that happens!
I LOVE the Bourne movies and am definitely looking forward to this next one. Your Blogfest sounds really fun, I'm signing up! Have a great week! :)
If that wasn't the month of my blog tour, I'd TOTALLY join up in the blogfest! What a great topic!
Yes, I'm glad the good performance of CassaStorm.
oh, wow! a lot going on over here! always fun and jumping with activity! thanks so much for dropping by my place - your visits always greatly appreciated - thanks again and have a great remainder of the week!
Congrats on winning! Ooh I can't wait til Sept 17th! I'm in.
I'm glad to hear Bourne Legacy is good. I really want to see it.
So people link now to their main blog, rather than the actual post itself? (As the 17th hasn't happened in my universe yet ;)) Never seen a link like this. Am I reading it right? I may actually have time to link :).
Laura, but this party goes on forever...
Thanks, Amy!
Justine, you still can - make your answers really short.
Gypsywoman, thanks for visiting.
She Writes, that's how most blogfest work - just add the main link to your blog. The day of the blogfest, I usually go through the list and change them to the actual post. I'm just anal that way I guess.
Congratulations on winning the Blogger Contest - you ARE so supportive and it's a well-deserved win. Another blogfest? Genres? OK - I'm in :-) even if I'm a crazy mixed up genre person.
a cool blogfest! I'll try to join in the fun.:P I'm dying to watch Bourne Legacy--it was shot in Manila, where I grew up, so I'm interested to see what parts of the city i can recognize :)
I have no idea how I'll get down to just one favorite genre in each but it sounds like fun and a one day commitment I can handle. So I'm in.
And congratulations on the well-deserved award.
Especially looking forward to everyone's guilty pleasure choices!
Yahoo - I can always count on you when I feel like I'm flounering in blogworld. :) Looking forward to that fest!
I TOTALLY would've gotten the answers to 3 & 5 of your latest trivia. But, uh, I only found out that Sam Axe IS Bruce Campbell about a week ago.
Susan, then your answers will be really fun!
Nutschell, that is really cool.
LD, thanks!
Lisa, it will be great.
Nicki, he is! Glad you're on board for the blogfest.
Hi Alex,
I know you've been waiting for a comment from me. Have been rather out of the loop what with me going off for a trip to Wales.
Good to see such involvement with those blogfests. Fun to all involved.
Take care and happy writing.
Hi Alex,
Looking forward to your BlogFest!
As a total X-Files addict, may I correct you? It's AD Skinner, that is Assistant Director not Agent... :-) :-) :-)
I am in, Alex. It looks like a lot of fun.
Thanks for dropping by by blog. I am excited about seeing the Kindle version of "White Lies" go on sale on Amazon on the 16th of August.
It almost seems unfair to have a "guilty pleasures" list and not include a food item.
I loved the first three bourne films and while I haven't seen it yet I'm sure it'll be awesome. It's kind of sad that Matt Damon isn't returning but Jeremy Renner looks promising!
Congrats on winning the contest. So well-deserved. I have not seen the new Bourne movie, but am anxious to do so, especially after reading your review. My husband and I read all the books, too, and really enjoyed them. We loved the first Bourne movies,as well.
Cool, I'm even more stoked to see the new Bourne movie. I started crushing on Jeremy Renner in Avengers, so I'm excited he took over for this.
Good luck with edits and the new blogfest!
Can you believe I haven't see The Dark Knight Rises yet...much less Bourne. A good indication of how how deep I'm into writing right now!
Not sure if I'll be able to swing this Blogfests yet, but its on my calendar! :)
Gary, I'd rather been visiting Wales myself!
Vesper, that's how I copied it from the trivia game.
Jeremy, which is today!
Avantika, he did a job.
Awesome theme! Can't wait.
And now that I've seen your review of the Bourne Legacy, I'm actually intrigued. Just glad it's not another movie about Jason Bourne. :-D
Congrats on winning Supportive Blogger Extraodinaire!
Wow on so many blogfests. Go you.
So glad you reviewed the movie. I loved Ludlum's books and really loved the movies, but was a bit worried with this new twist. I think I'll check it out now. :)
I'm so glad you had an editing breakthrough! That's awesome.
Thanks for the updates, and for news on the new Bourne movie. I read all the books too, and wondered how they'd pull this one off.
I really hope the Bourne movie does not suck. Because I loved the first three.
Looking forward to your blogfest. Love the Bourne movies/books.
Congrats on winning the most supportive blogger award! And congrats to Roland and Misha as runners-up as well:)
I LOVED the Bourne films up to this one. I'm afraid this one felt the need to explain too much for my tastes. I will eagerly watch the next one though, think it will be better now that the set up is out of the way.
I signed up for the blogfest! Sounds easy! I'm looking forward to meeting new people!
A belated congratulations on winning the Supportive Blogger award, Alex! That is most definitely deserved.
The upcoming blogfest sounds like a lot of fun. :)
This sounds fun and easy! I'm in!
Sounds like a good one!
I want to see that Bourne movie, too. It looks pretty fun!
Yes, I signed up!
Yes, I misspelled my own name on the Linky Tool.
Yes, I'm a dummy. :P
Thanks Alex! I may be a dummy, but you sure aren't! <3
No problem, Lexa!
Alex! Ah! I'm going to be hosting forty entries for GUTGAA on my blog the week of the blogfest. I signed up for your blog hop, but can't do it now. Grrrr, I was really looking forward to this. Can you delete my name, please? I don't want anyone wasting time hopping to my blog. Thanks!
I want to climb in your head and see the next idea you have before you do :) I'm signed up and even though I'm jet-lagged, I'm setting up my post - in my head at least X
Of course, I'm in like a food stamp at Safeway.
Thanks for hosting the blogfest, Alex!
Awesome, I had to sign up for the blogfest! Now to try to pinpoint just four faves in each category ;)
Hey Alex! I'm a little behind with anything to do with blogging...been so distracted by other things...but I've registered and I'm looking forward to this blogfest! Thanks for hosting,this is gonna rock!
Note to self...make sure the links in your post are properly highlighted before you add your name to the linky list. Don't know why they weren't working properly, but they're all fixed now. Thanks for this fun blogfest, Alex:)
This is the first blogfest I've joined!
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