Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Contests, ORIGINS, Pop Culture Answers - and More!

Over at the A to Z Challenge blog is a big announcement regarding our video challenge/contest! See the site for rules and guidelines.

David Powers King just hit five hundred followers, and to celebrate he’s hosting a giveaway!

Only two more days to enter the Goodreads Giveaway for CassaFire and don’t forget to sign up for the Catch Fire! Blog Party for more chances to win.

I’m happy to announce the ORIGINS blogfest!

The brain child of DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude, I’m proud to be a co-sponsor along with Katie Mills aka Creepy Query Girl and Matthew MacNish at The QQQE.

On Monday, February 13th, post your own origin story. Tell us all where your writing dreams began. It could be anything from how you started making up stories as a child, or writing for the school newspaper, or even what prompted you to start a blog. How about stories about the first time somebody took an interest in your writing, or maybe the singular moment when you first started calling yourself a writer. It all started somewhere and we want you to tell us your own unique beginnings.

Sign up below!


This linky list is now closed.

And now, the answers to the Pop Culture Trivia, with a couple new ones for you…

Quote – name the movie: “Three weeks, twenty papers, that’s two dollars.” Better Off Dead
What now famous actor was killed in his bed in A Nightmare on Elm Street? (1984) Johnny Depp
What actress appeared in Less Than Zero, Twister, and The Lost Boys? Jami Gertz
In True Romance, who plays Christian Slater’s vision of Elvis? Val Kilmer
Quote – name the movie: “You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?” Pulp Fiction

What famous guitarist for Ozzy was killed March 1982? Randy Rhodes
Where did the band White Zombie get its name? From a 1932 movie called White Zombie
Milton Berle was in two of Ratt’s music videos – what was the connection? The band’s manager was Berle’s Nephew
What album spent a record-setting 778 weeks on Billboard’s Top 200 Chart? Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
Who was the hot blonde in the video for the Grammy winning song, Rosanna, by Toto? Cynthia Rhodes

Before it was a hit series, The Simpsons debuted as a short skit on what FOX show? The Tracy Ulman Show
Which actress replaced Shelly Long when she left Cheers? Kirstie Alley
What award-winning two hour show parodied other movies from 1988 to 1999? Mystery Science Theater 3000
Director Michael Mann produced what TV series, later directing the film version? Miami Vice
What actor was on Saturday Night Live, hosted two TV shows, Monday Night Football, and even hosted a game show? Dennis Miller

Bonus Game question:
What is the best-selling game console ever? Playstation 2

How’d you do? Want a couple more? Guess these movie quotes:

“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

“I call it blood, detective. I suppose you’ll write it up as ‘graffiti.’”

“Anything else that’ll keep this elevator from falling?” “Yeah. The basement.” 

Know any of those answers? Signing up for the blogfest? Know any other events around the blogging world? Still waiting for me to explain ‘progressive rock?’


Sarah Tokeley said...

Number one is the Kevin Spacey thingy right? Sheesh, my memory really sucks these days :-)

Ciara said...

I've already scheduled a guest post for that day, but I guess I could do two posts. I'll work it out. Off to check out the A-Z video challenge. Congrats to David Powers King. I'll stop by his blog. Have a great day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, at least you know who said it.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

my origins... maybe how i went from bone claws to antiantium... not much stuff after that it's a blur. kidding that sound great as a blogfest... i did get 100% on the last round of trivia... i am stumped right now on the new, my defense it's early.

Old Kitty said...

Progressive rock - opposite of regressive pebble?


Take care

The Angry Lurker said...

Now I hear the answers it makes sense as I didn't remember I knew a lot of the answers but my brain had a major fart.....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, come back later then.

Kitty, thanks for my morning laugh!

Lurker, happens to me all the time.

Rusty Carl said...

All signed up and ready to go.

Tonja said...

Love Pink Floyd...and Dennis Miller. Signed up for Origins blogfest and Catch Fire.

Anonymous said...

The Usual Suspects, The Crow (freaking AWESOME movie, thank you very much), and Speed.

My 800+ DVD collection thanks you for proving its relevancy.

Morgan Mandel said...

I knew the Cheers one for sure. I loved watching that show.

Morgan Mandel

Copyboy said...

Secretly I'm hoping someone's origin has to do with a radioactive spider or a gamma bomb going off.

Copyboy said...

Oh and totally Spacy on the first one. Not sure of the others.


Just signed up for origins,
Great post as usual.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

How do you guys remember all this stuff?
When you give the answers I always go, "Oh yeah." I can't be the only one :(

Tara Tyler said...

tracy ullman show! i knew it! and dennis miller! ah!

ok, another blogfest? i dont know if i can handle it, but with so many popular sponsors, how can i not?!

ps, i'm surprised you didnt mention the blackout & sopa/pipa bills today...

Jeremy [Retro] said...

total fail on my part... need some stronger coffee.

LynnRush said...

Is that last quote from SPEED? That opening scene?? I didn't guess the other two. LOL.

Looking forward to the blog fest!!! :) Those are always super fun and I meet so many awesome peeps!

Ian Anderson said...

Sarah gave the hint I needed for the first one: The Usual Suspects, love that one.

Like the idea for the origins fest, I'm in.

Marta Szemik said...

Cool blog fest. Will definitely do it! I enjoy the guessing game on the questions even if I don't know them ;)

Charles Gramlich said...

I knew most of those, except for the Toto one. I barely remember those guys

Matthew MacNish said...

I'm such an idiot. I completely forgot to announce today.

Jen said...

Great bloghop...looking forward to doing it, if I can remember what made me want to write to begin with....

PK HREZO said...

I missed the trivia day... darn it. But I knew them all. Yep, every single one of them. No brainers. lol.... well, ok.... I knew SOME of them....

Bossy Betty said...

Hi Alex! I've missed visiting you, you busy man!

Budd said...

I want my $2!

bonus: Devil's Advocate?
not sure, but sounds familiar.
is the last one Devil?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Tonja!

Joshua, that's where endless hours of movie watching comes in handy.

Copyboy, maybe someone will!

Mary, it's a gift. I'm a plethora of useless knowledge.

Tara, I figured enough other sites had mentioned it.

Charles, I only remember the sexy dancer in the video!

Matthew, we'll live!

PK, I believe you.

Missed you as well, Betty!

Sarah McCabe said...

Dark Side of the Moon totally deserved it.

Well, I haven't done a blogfest in a long time. You know I can't resist. :)

Andrew Leon said...

I'll have to think about the origins thing. I feel like that one's been done a lot, lately. I know I've already posted about it twice in the last few months plus participating in that idea through comments, too.
Besides, it's not like people can duplicate the experience of being by a radioactive termite.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I only knew four of the answers and I've only heard one of those quotes but I can't remember the movie with the devil quote.
I am signing up for the blogfest. Thanks for having it. Funtimes.

Unknown said...

Coolness all around, Alex! I totally bombed on the music...LOL

Ooh more trivia...

1. Kevin Spacey The Usual Suspects

2. Ernie Hudson The Crow

3. Keanu Reeves Speed

Of course I can't remember their character names. ;)

Brinda said...

Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album is one of those that I heard so much I got burned out!! That and Aerosmith's Walk This Way.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I signed up!

And yeah, I only knew 1 answer. Is that good or bad? lol

Jessica Salyer said...

I remembered two. Yeah,not very good. Count me in for the origins blogfest.

Arlee Bird said...

What are you doing?? Another blogfest? Okay, this sounds like something I can manage. I need to find something to post about on that day anyway. I'm in!

Hoping for some great A to Z videos to come our way.

Have you heard about the A to Z Video Challenge?
Blogging from A to Z

farawayeyes said...

Now that I see the answers, I don't feel so bad. Other than the Pink Floyd and Dennis Miller, there's no way I would have known those answers.

The new quote about the devil is so familiar, but everybody is saying Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects and I can't recall that flick to save my life. Oh well, never ask a blond to play trivia.

Another blogfest -OK I'm in. Hope I can handle it, it's the day after I will celebrate ANOTHER birthday.

Johanna Garth said...

I think I need to write the post, schedule it for 2/13 and THEN sign up, given my track record with blog hops and all ;)

Cassie Mae said...

The Usual Suspects

The Crow (I think)

And Speed!

(I didn't read the other comments on purpose this time, but I will as soon as I post this just to see if I'm right, lol)

And just signed up for the bloghop. Man, the beginning of Feb is getting really busy for me. Hopefully my mind will still work after I'm done with it all. :)

Helen Ginger said...

You are the busiest blogger I know!

Some of those answers I knew. Most of the answers that I knew I couldn't dredge up to the front of my brain.

Shallee said...

What a fun blogfest! Thanks for hosting, I can't wait to see where everybody's writing started.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, I don't know - that sounds interesting!

Melissa, you nailed it!

Jen, and MST3K masters the pop culture references!

Nicole, better than none.

Lee, I was coerced, I swear!

Faraway, it's one of the last lines in the movie.

Cassie, you got it! And I'm booked for the next three months...

Helen, that's probably true.

Nancy Thompson said...

The Usual Suspects, The Crow, & Speed ???

Love the Origins idea. I signed up!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Signed up for Origins! Going over to Congrats David! and the trivia . . .my mind just doesn't hold details when there is snow outside my window . . . or at least that's my current excuse.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I need to rewatch the Usual Suspects. Spacey's amazing. That origins fest is tempting.

Sarah Ahiers said...

The Usual Suspects
The Crow

And i'm in for the blogfest

JE said...

I am soooo bad at Pop Culture Trivia!

Your blogfest sounds awesome! It's always nice to see what made other people start to write. I did a similar post when I first started my blog a couple of years ago.


Cate Masters said...

Do you have a clone? Or do you just not sleep? I bow to the blogging god. :)
Ach, the one trivia question I answered, and I got it wrong.

Jeff Beesler said...

Origins, eh? It's almost like finding out how super heroes became superheroes in the first place.

Carol Kilgore said...

Didn't know Johnny Depp was in Nightmare on Elm Steet. Cool.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I've got to remember to enter this blogfest.

LD Masterson said...

Well, hell, even when I read the answers I didn't know them. Like I said, wrong generation.

Christine Rains said...

Cool idea for a blogfest. I've signed up!

Jasmine Walt said...

The video thing sounds cool but I've never done well in front of a video camera, so I'll have to pass. The blogfest definitely sounds awesome though; I'm signing up!

Thanks for all the great info, Alex. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Great idea for a blogfest! I usually don't participate, but I think I will this time!

And I just got CASSAFIRE and I can't wait to read it!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Man ya always write such fun and informative posts. 'Totally enjoyed today's!

Have a fantastically blessed day!

Enjoy!!! :o)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, you the woman!

Tyrean, I just have a special place in my brain for this stuff.

Sarah, you are correct.

Justine, then you're already set.

Cate, I do like my sleep now...

Carol, and it's scary how young he appears.

Michael, do it now!

Elana, that's awesome! Hope you enjoy it.

Laura said...

Thanks for the heads up for origins! Off to take a gander at A-Z

Annalisa Crawford said...

The only answer I know for sure, is the Usual Suspects.

And I'm not sure I can remember starting to write. I'll have to think about it before I sign up!

Christopher Hudson said...

As a socially awkward dude, I'm out of my depth in a pop-culture trivia contest ... I only got one ... Randy Rhodes. I'll let you guess how I knew that one.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love the idea for the blogfest. It will be great to see how everyone started.

Leovi said...

ORIGINS blogfest Interesting!

Laura Josephsen said...

Oh, the Origins blogfest looks cool! *signs up* I'm hosting a "favorite character blogfest" next week, and I know there's a romance blogfest on Valentine's Day and a get to know your character sort of blogfest.

I'm sure I know that last quote...I just can't place it! It's on the tip of my brain. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the movie Speed, but I know I've seen other things it could be from. (It puts me in mind of one of my fave TV shows, Leverage, in some ways. ;))

TerryLynnJohnson said...

oh, I recognize two of those quotes, but can't remember.
I did NOT know that was Depp in the bed! Interesting!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a clue where any of those movie quotes come from. Can I make a phone call? :) I won't be signing up for the fest but look forward to everyone's entries!

~Sia McKye~ said...

I shoulda got hubs to answer these. He's great with movie trivia, kid's not bad either. Me? I may recognize the line but the movie. Sigh. The 3rd one is Speed, but I can't remember #1 although I've heard the line.

Yah, I'm in for the blogfest--it's on a Monday, for a change, yay!


Anonymous said...

I learn LOTS of new things when I come over here, most of which my aging memory won't hold. But's such fun, and I'm sure SOME brain cells get expanded!

I LOVE Old Kitty's comment, one of the first: "progressive rock - opposite of regressive pebble?" She comes up with plays on words that my disabled daughter does.

As I've said before, I'm so looking forward to the release of CassaFire!
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christopher, were you a die-hard Ozzy fan once?

Laura, Leverage is awesome! But your guess on the movie is correct.

Sia, I made a plea for a Monday blogfest. Mondays and Fridays are the best for blogfests.

M Pax said...

Gees my memory sucks, too. lol

Signed up for the blogfest. Lots of those going on this February.

Suzie F. said...

I don't usually do blogfests but I love this topic! I'll definitely be participating.

Laura S. said...

I did terrible on those questions; I only knew three of them, hahaha.

Hope you're having a great week, Alex!

Kelly Polark said...

Oh, man! I'm good at pop culture trivia! I should have come to your last post for crying out loud! :)

I also need to join Goodreads at some point, don't I?!

Golden Eagle said...

I just signed up for the blogfest! said...

I failed, especially if we're graded on a curve. I don't know any of those bonus question quotes, but I really like them.

That's a neat blogfest idea so I signed on. Thank you.

Be well, Alex.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Sure, why not?

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Just signed up! Thanks for keeping life interesting.


Jemi Fraser said...

They killed off Johnny on Elm St??? Why don't I remember this???

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Just entered!! Love this idea.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kelly, yes on both accounts!

Monti, I aim to amuse and entertain!

Jemi, you need to go back and watch it now.

Angela McCallister said...

Hmmm, I'll have to think about signing up for the 'fest. Depends on if I can make it interesting enough to read, lol. I will, however, make a point of checking out some awesome fellow bloggers regardless.

I did get the first quote and the last one, but I haven't seen The Crow in sooooo long. The Usual Suspects, btw, is one of my all-time favorite thrillers.

Lydia Kang said...

What a great idea for a blogfest! I'm so psyched for you guys!

Jennifer Hillier said...

I recognize all three of those quotes, but I just can't place them. WAAH.

The Origins blogfest sounds cool! I'm signed up. :)

anthony stemke said...

A very interesting post.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

No. Probably not. Not that I can think of. I'd forgotten.

Answers to the prompt questions.

Susan Oloier said...

I honestly can't remember how I started writing--I've been doing it for too many years to remember. But it sounds like a great blogfest.

Ella said...

Great idea; I love it! I have to go back and see what I missed~ You have been busy ;D

I will check out all the links~
Good Morning Captain!

Michael Di Gesu said...

ANOTHER BLOGFEST! Geez Alex... you are worse than me. LOL.

Hey, it's a great idea. And it's wonderful to see DL back... It's probably been a while, but I've been in outer space lately. Hopefully earthbound for a while.

Hey, Sci/fi lingo. ME? I don't think so, but you never know.

Feels great to drop by your blog as always. It makes me smile. Always SOMETHING going on!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Alex,

I forgot to mention that I took one of my A-Z challenge posts and entered it into a poetry contest. Last second of course.

I was really jazzed at how good it was. Thanks to Lee's INSANE challenge, I actually got some good work out of it and almost a year later, I still think they're good. SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Next time could you have multiple choice questions, so I'll feel better? The Origins blogfest sounds like another winner! Thanks Alex!

Talli Roland said...

Look at all that stuff going on! How on earth you keep track of everything, I'll never know. :) The blogfest looks fun.

Amy said...

Great Blogfest Alex - Definitely signing up for this one! :)

Misha Gerrick said...

Awesome blogfest idea! I'm in. By the way, thanks for the follow. :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, then you have excellent taste in movies! And I bet you can make it interesting enough.

Jennifer, no crying on my blog!

Good morning, Ella!

Michael, I know! I'm suckered in every time. And I'm glad you entered that contest. That's cool to hear that people have had success with their A to Z posts, like Damyantig's book of short stories.

Talli - Ninja skills.

Misha, of course - didn't realize I wasn't!

Anonymous said...

awesome blog fest Alex, i just don't know how you get the time. :)

Karen Lange said...

The Blogfest sounds interesting. May have to check it out. Am happy to see that I got the answers right to the two measly questions I managed to answer! :)

Mina Burrows said...

Very cool blogfest. I'll but the button on my site for now. Looking forward to it. Thx, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Eve, some days I don't know either.

Karen, that's good though!

Mina, glad you could join us.

Leovi said...

I think A to Z Challenge this year will pass asobre 2,000 participants.

Unknown said...

I only knew about two answers to that quiz! (the Pulp Fiction quote and Kirstie Alley question) Bleh. I suck at trivia!

Looking forward to reading some of the entries in the upcoming blog fest. Thanks for the heads up!

A Beer for the Shower said...

I don't really like or approve of my "writing" origins. Can I borrow someone else's? Preferably someone with good references?

M.J. Fifield said...

I can't believe I didn't get Mystery Science Theater 3000. I am so disappointed in myself.

Love the idea for the blogfest.

nutschell said...

Yes. What is Progressive rock? :D I just signed up for the Origins contest. Sounds super cool! Love the trivia as well, although I have to admit I don't know most of the answers.
Also, I have to bow down to your blogging skills. You're always the first one to leave a comment on my post. *Flashes a guilty look* I wish I could do the same for your blog. :S

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leovi, it just might!

Beer, fell free!

You're still cool, MJ.

Nutschell, don't worry about it! You always seem to post when I'm on and have been through the list already. And I shall explain progressive rock soon...

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I'll be there for your and DL's blogfest, Alex. It sounds fun, Roland

MISH said...

I've signed up for ORIGINS - sounds like it's gonna be fun and informative...

Unknown said...

People are really signing up for that blogfest. Nice. I'm still trying to decide.

Mark said...

Cool, I'm in:)

David P. King said...

Thank you for spreading the word, Alex! I've been under the weather, so I didn't see this until now. Again, thanks for the plug! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Clarissa, join us!

David, sorry you've felt crappy.

ediFanoB said...

Thanks for the link to David's page.
Now m a follower and of course I entered the giveaway.

In case I win I decided to go for Switched by Amanda Hocking.

The is a book my wife wants to read. So if I win I will surprise her.

Helena said...

I'm such a blogging incompetent and so overwhelmed with a bunch of stuff going on that I'll have to pass on this origin blogfest. But I wish everyone else the best of luck.
And my uncoolness is confirmed: I only had two answers right among all those questions.

Nicki Elson said...

First one - Usual Suspects, yes?

I'm signed up for the fest. Sounds like a fun one. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, hope you win then! She needs a new book once in a while as well.

Helena, better than none!

Nicki, yes!

Bish Denham said...

Okay, I should have know it was Pink Floyd...particularly since I have the album! GAK. Signed up for the fest too.

Allison said...

Origins sounds like it will be a good time all around. I'm definitely in. I'm excited to read others' stories!

Jolene Perry said...

I ALWAYS get sucked into your blogfests.

I mean, they're good, but it always makes for an insane few days of blogging.

Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I'm signed up! I'll ad the image to my side bar with a link and do the FB and Twitter thing too. Looking forward to yet one more awesome Blogfest!

Christina Farley said...

Wow. You've got some amazing things happening here. I'm impressed! And no, I'm totally clueless when it comes to names. :(

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bish, that's funny.

Jolene, I just offer them! Besides, insane blogging it my thing now.

Christina, it's usually hopping.

Jamie Gibbs said...

I think a prog rock special is on the cards :)

Origins sounds like it'll be a lotta fun - looking forward to taking part!

Nick said...

Another excuse to ramble about my writing journey and to meet new people? Count me in! :D Sounds like fun.

J.L. Campbell said...

Seeing the badge reminded me of this again.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I believe I already signed up. But the sign-up list wouldn't show for me. Rats. See you Monday, Roland