Monday, September 19, 2011

Worst Movies Ever Blogfest!

It’s time for the Worst Movies Ever Blogfest!

Today, post a list of up to ten of the worst movies you’ve ever had the misfortune to watch. Films that just oozed awfulness and featured plot holes so big you could drive a bus through them. Any genre or year, but only theater and straight to video/DVD titles. (We already know SyFy Channel movies suck!) Sign up, grab the button, and give us the worst! And be sure to visit others participating in the blogfest.

And now, some of the worst movies I’ve ever watched:

Manos: The Hands of Fate

It just goes to show that sometimes the worst films can make the best MST 3000 episodes. But on its own, this film is a dumpster fire. I can't even say that at least it's in focus, because it's not.


At one point Halle Berry plays with yarn and licks herself. It would have worked as porn, but not as a PG-13 rated super heroine movie.

The Wicker Man

Nicholas Cage in a bear costume. Need I say more?

The English Patient

Yup, I'm talking about the Oscar winning movie The English Patient. I despised every character in the movie. Cheating losers. C'mon movie, at least give me one likeable character! Yes, I'm prepared for flack on this one...

The Mist

Great first half followed by a train wreck of a finish. So, let me get this straight, all the people in the grocery store turn from their own moral values and try to sacrifice a boy in less than a day? Complete and utter crap, especially the very ending.

House of the Dead

Uwe Boll must be stopped. With films like In the Name of the King, Alone in the Dark, Bloodrayne, and this cinematic turd, Boll is single handedly destroying the movie industry. And I thought the SyFy Channel movie version of my book would be bad...

Highlander 2

"There can be only one" and this movie proves it. It's either an unfunny comedy or a dull and confusing action movie. Or, quite possibly, the best disaster movie ever.

The Happening

The only thing scarier than the trees and wind forcing people to commit suicide might be homicidal high humidity. (Thank you, Rifftrax.) As a matter of fact, watch this with Rifftrax to turn a terrible movie into a work of genius.

The Guardian

Killer druid nanny. Say that a couple times to yourself to truly capture the inane silliness of those three words. Killer druid nanny. Really?!! Considering that this is from William Friedkin, the masterful director of The Exorcist and Sorcerer, this movie is a major misfire. I almost walked out on this movie.

Battlefield: Earth

This movie fails on every level. The acting is terrible and the dialogue is cringe-worthy. If L. Ron Hubbard hadn't died fourteen years previous, this would have killed him.

Agree? Disagree? Think I’m insane for including an Oscar-winning movie on my list? What horrible film(s) would you choose?

Be sure to visit others participating in the blogfest!


Empty Nest Insider said...

Thanks for hosting this fun-filled blogfest Alex! Usually, I don't even appear until your comments get into the triple digits! I'm so happy that you listed The English Patient! I never understood how that movie won an Academy Award. I remember how they also made fun of it on a Seinfeld episode. Julie


Interesting choice, as for not liking an Oscar winning film well everyone has different taste. What would the world be like if we all liked the same?


Unknown said...

One of my choices coincides with yours, Alex.

I took a little liberty with your blogfest idea...hope that's okay :) *runs away*

Lisa said...

Cat woman and Nicholas Cage in bear costume, I think you've covered it all!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I have seen...none of these movies! And, boy, am I glad. :)

Enid Wilson said...

English Patient is quite good. So I beg to disagree. But the other ones, I'm happy to say I haven't watched them.

Every Savage Can Reproduce

Isis Rushdan said...

Thanks for the blogfest.

I've never even heard of Manos, which apparently is a good thing. Totally agree that Uwe Boll sucks. House of the Dead is on list too.

As far as Highlander 2, I thought Druids was far worse. My husband wanted me to put Battlefied Earth on the list, but I refused to put anything with John Travolta. Love him too much.

The English Patient? Really?? They may have been cheaters and the movie may have been a little long, but it did have great cinematography, wonderful score and solid performances. And Karma punished the cheaters in a horrible way.

Anonymous said...

Alex, you picked some real stinkers. We have Battlefield Earth in common. Whicker man and Catwoman were honorable mentions on my list too. Thanks for another successful and fun Blogfest!

Old Kitty said...


I ADORED the English Patient! LOL!!! I watched it a million times and cried each time. Yes I did! :-)

Oh but Catwoman was such a shame wasn't it?!?!

Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, well glad you got here first. And thanks for the vote of confidence on that pick.

Yvonne, it would be really boring.

Damy, that is fine!

Oceangirl, thanks.

Elizabeth, really? Now you know what to avoid.

Isis, Uwe Boll must be stopped! Sorry, just can't relate to horrible people who cheat, so didn't like the English Patient.

Stephen, you have good taste then!

Sarah Tokeley said...

The only one of these I've seen is Catwoman. I couldn't believe that Halle Berry needed the money that badly.

Laila Knight said...

Out of your list I have to say I hated Battlefield Earth the most. I couldn't stand John Travolta's character. Also, I know there's a lot of talk against Cat Woman, and it wasn't the best movie ever, but I still liked it. :)

Jen said...

I have never seen any of these movies, nor the desire to see any of them either! I'm sorry you were so tortured during these films! Great bloghop!

Unknown said...

Oh boy, attacking the Oscars pick, but I think so did Seinfeld... as for highlander II, the director's cut made it a little more tolerable... i like nic cage, and the wickerman... well at least they paid him. the mist and the happening those had great starts... as for house of the dead, check out the sequel. catwoman, that was a furball.

the rest i have never seen, so i cannot comment.

oh, boy they are going to rip my list apart...

happy monday...


Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Some I didn't recognize. I never told anyone how bad I thought The English Patient sucked. Guess I'm in good company.

Laura Pauling said...

I've seen a couple bad movies recently but they were so bad I can't remember their name. My husband and I just laughed they were so bad.

Bish Denham said...

I've only seen a couple of these, but I have to agree with Battlefield Earth. Truly terrible.

Gail said...

The only one I have watched is The Mist...never really knew what was going on...except craziness.

Jemi Fraser said...

I haven't seen any of these! I'm glad :)

Unknown said...

Hi Alex, fun blogfest as usual! Love your choice on the wicker man. I am so disappointed in Cage. The English Patient was beyond boring, but since I have a thing for Cats, I rather liked Catwoman....Ok, so it was a bit over the top...LOL! I loved the first Higlander film but after that they could have just put it to rest. So many sequels fail miserably!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Battlefield Earth should be on everyone's list!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I haven't seen all of these, but the ones I have totally belong on your list... hehe great idea.

Matthew MacNish said...

The only thing better than this blog fest, is the fun you have with relating your list to us! Thanks, Alex.

Creepy Query Girl said...

The Highlander Comment totally cracked me up. Great blogfest!

RosieC said...

Can't say I'm a huge movie watcher, or I would play along. That said, any movie with Nicholas Cage is inherently horrible. Adding a bear costume? Does that make it MST3K worthy? Or just sad?

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. The Wicker Man. I hadn't thought of that movie in some time. And boy was it bad. I thought I'd blocked it from my memory....LOL

What a fun post!

Arlee Bird said...

You and I are united on The English Patient-- glad you panned this well-loved film like I did. Most of the others I haven't seen, but I did like The Mist and even The Happening to some degree. I do want to watch The Mist again.
Another bang up job of a blog fest!

Tossing It Out

Unknown said...

Oh I agree wholeheartedly with your choices! My God what steaming piles all of these films are. I wish I would have remembered to put The Guardian on my list.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, Kitty, I just didn't like it.

Laila, Battlefield Earth is winning at the moment.

Jennee, you know what to avoid.

Jeremy, I thought your list was hilarious!

Mary, that makes three of us so far!

Bish, that movie is winning at the moment for most mentions.

Gail, it was insane.

Siv, most sequels tank.

Diane, so far it's on a lot of them.

Matthew, glad I do that well!

Glad I could amuse you, Creepy Girl.

Rosie, MST3K might be able to save it, bear costume and all...

Lynn, sorry I had to remind you!

Talli Roland said...

Oh yes, The Wicker Cage! Great choice - that was terrible.

Happy blogfesting!

Unknown said...

For me, the English Patient didn't make me happy to watch, it just left an impression on me that has lasted for years. Also, it has Firth in it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so enjoying the posts for this blogfest! I couldn't agree more about THE ENGLISH PATIENT. Kill me now.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Hi Alex. Matt always recommends your blog so I've become a new follower.

I haven't seen THE ENGLISH PATIENT and thought I was missing out. From your post and the comment, I guess not. Thanks for the heads up.

Sangu Mandanna said...

I'd back you up on so many of these! Especially Catwoman. Ick. Also, I've never seen The English Patient, but I don't really want to - it sounds boring. Love Ralph Fiennes, though.

Thanks for hosting such a great blogfest, Alex!

PK HREZO said...

Highlander 2! How could I forget?? You're so right... what a total let down. And yeah, The Happening was bad too. Haven't seen the others, except for The English Patient, which happens to be one of my faves. But I won't hold it against you. ;)
This was fun. Thanks, Alex!

Budd said...

I actually liked the mist, although it has all the King tropes in it.

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm looking forward to reading all the entries here. I don't watch a lot of movies, and usually like the ones I see. I haven't seen any of these. And I won't - LOL!

Heather M. Gardner said...

GOD! I almost pee'd myself.

Cinematic turd! That's my new favorite line!

I also had Highlander 2.

Great list. What were these people thinking???

Charles Gramlich said...

I agree on most of these, although I never saw the remake of Wicker man. The first one was bad enough. However, I kind of liked the Mist. Of course, I really like that novella.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Killer druid nanny, killer druid nanny, killer druid nanny. WAIT, let's make a movie based on a killer druid nanny!!

So glad I've never even heard of half your list. I haven't ever seen the English Patient so I can't say anything about that, but I have seen it on a few people's lists today. Think I'll avoid that one in the future.

Karen Lange said...

I've heard of a handful of these and haven't seen the others. So now I know not to see them. Thanks for your advice!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Talli, it was bad.

Clarissa, The English Patient was a very unhappy movie.

Liz, good for you!

Welcome, Natalie!

Thank you Sangu.

PK, I wish I could forget Highlander II.

Heather, glad I could inspire you!

Charles, I've never read the book.

LG - makes it sound real bad, doesn't it?

vic caswell said...

yes! on the mist! so good at the beginning. so -not- at the end!

julie fedderson said...

Oh, Highlander 2, I had such high hopes for you. Mostly because I loved Highlander, which wasn't exactly high cinema but Sean Connery in a pearl earring and feathers! Wow! And I totally agree on Battlefield Earth. At one point, I think John Travolta actually laughed just like this:

Doralynn Kennedy said...

I'd planned to put The Happening on my list, and then forgot the name of it. I didn't like The English Patient either - Oscar winner or not. The Oscars have gone to a lot of terrible films... like The Accidental Tourist. Great list. Very well deserved. (Except I kinda liked Cat Woman.)

Tara said...

I knew you'd have great picks - you are the movie guru, and Ninja Blogger. How *do* you do it?

The original Highlander was Hub's favorite for a long time.

~Sia McKye~ said...

I didn't like The English Patient either. I told my husband, this sucks. he liked it. I wasn't impressed with Catwoman either. I saw part of The Mist--I was flipping through one of the movie channels and watched enough to find out what was going on, mostly, and changed the channel.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

Dafeenah said...

Fortunately I've not seen most of them except the Mist and that ending. I was like Whaaaat? I only kept watching it because I thought this has to get better. I was wrong. Thanks for hosting this and all the other fun things!!

Helen Ginger said...

Good choices. Uh, bad choices, I mean. Okay, let's make that good bad choices.

My choice would have been Last House on the Left ... or was it on the Right. Whatever. It's the only movie I ever walked out on. And I walked out during the opening scene.

Patricia Stoltey said...

This is a great blogfest, Alex. And I'm pleased to agree with your choice of The English Patient. I guess I'd done such a good job of putting it out of my mind that it didn't even occur to me to add it to my list. Bad, bad story and unlikable, depressing characters.

J.B. Chicoine said...

I can happily say I've never seen any of those movies! One of the worst I have seen is CABIN BOY.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I also hated the Mist for the ending. I just cannot believe that a man would harm his son like that no matter what. It was completely unbelievable and I was absolutely stunned. I hated that movie because of that. The movie had enough elements going for it that without that ending it would have still been horrific. They just went way too far...making it unwatchable.

M.J. Fifield said...

When I saw the "Worst Movie" thing, the first one I thought of was "The English Patient"

Sorry to have missed this Blogfest...another classic!

Carolyn V said...

Yeah, those look like some terrible movies. I'm still trying to figure out how they got made.

Nancy Thompson said...

I was just saying over at Laila Knight's blog that I don't usually don't watch bad movies, but I did recently see Battlefield: Earth & I have to agree, it was kind of awful. I thought perhaps it was just because I don't particularly like war flicks. Glad to know I'm not the only one who didn't enjoy it.

Rusty Carl said...

I've only seen two of the movies on your list and think you were dead on in including them. In fact, when choosing not to participate it was mostly because I wasn't sure I could fill out all the spots. Although there is one movie I'm interested to see if anyone included today, as I haven't run across it yet - glad you were brave enough to make an Oscar winner a place on your list. Maybe you could do a list for worst award winning movies of all time soon.

Southpaw said...

I haven't seen a one of those. How have I missed all these bad movies?

Elizabeth Mueller said...

It seems people like certain ones we hate. Interesting! Thanks for hosting the blogfest, Alex! ;)


Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

Paul Joseph said...

I have not seen any of the movies on your list, so I guess that's a good thing. I heard only bad things about The Happenning and Catwoman.

Lydia Kang said...

Catwoman was awful! It made me want to spit hairballs at the screen.

Anonymous said...

Nice list! I agree about The Wickerman...oddly enough, I like the original version. Battlefield Earth was totally bad too.

I LOVE this blogfest--totally fun!

Karlene said...

Fun blogfest. I enjoyed reminiscing.

Gabriela Lessa said...

Oh, not The English Patient! Good thing you're prepared for flack on that one!
The other ones do sound awful though....

Katie O'Sullivan said...

I'm glad someone else disliked the English Patient. I thought there was something wrong with me ;-)

Highlander 3 was worse than 2, btw, and I kind of enjoyed Battlefield Earth when I watched it with my sons. Hated it the first time, but John Travolta grows on you ;-)

Great idea for a blogfest, Alex!

The Old Silly said...

Great fest idea! Fortunately, I've only had the displeasure of watching one of these. The original Highlander was good I was eager to see #2, and ... was sorely disappointed.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Catwoman was super-stupid, yet cheesy fun. The English Patient may not be the worst movie ever, but it's definitely the worst Oscar-winning movie ever. House of the Dead is... unwatchable! The Happening was mediocre at best. Thankfully, I haven't seen B: Earth.

I totally disagree with you about The Mist. I absolutely loved it.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Haha ... are you noticing a theme there?

Personally I'd add "Starship Troopers" if only because it was such a travesty in comparison to the book.

msmariah said...

Alex-- Great picks. We do have some of the same. Battlefield Earth, The Happening, The Mist, The Wicker Man remake, Catwoman should are definite stinkers.

I have to disagree w/ the Mist. Admittedly, the Mist showed a highly fictionalized, overdramatized side of human nature, but humans are by nature fearful creatures. In a pinch some, if not most will compromise on their/our deepest morals. Think the Milgram Experiment.

I also disagree about the English Patient. However, I agree that it wasn't Best Picture worthy. I couldn't believe when it won. I thought that it was a terrible choice, but I didn't think it was a terrible movie b/c the characters weren't meant to be likable. That said, it's not a movie I would watch again.

msmariah said...

Oh and thanks for hosting the fest. It's been wildly successful!

Jay Watson said...

Thanks again Alex for this neat idea for a blogfest! Your list is very strong but I do personally have a fondness for THE MIST. I think it's one of the best portrayals of Lovecraftian beasties ever, and the ending is so anti-audience nihilistic that I give it kudos for its kicking us all in the head. Also, The Happening entertained me cause I love looking at Zooey's beautiful eyes :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, you just made me laugh!

Tara, the original Highlander was fun.

Sia, good for you!

Dafeenah, it did not get better...

Helen, violent rape movies are just disgusting.

Patricia, exactly! I think that's ten of us in the world now that didn't like it.

Michael, exactly! They just shoot themselves immediately after runing out of gas? Not buying it!

MJ, you are cool!

Nancy, so far it's number one on the suck list.

Rusty, I could easily fill ten slots with that list.

Lydia, that's funny!

LB, glad you're having fun.

Katie no, there are about a dozen of us who hated the English Patient. And are you saying Travolta is like a fungus?

George, don't even bother with Battlefield Earth unless you have nothing better to do with two hours. And sorry, the ending especially runined The Mist for me. I'm not crazy about most of King's films though.

MsMariah, they succeeded in making the characters unlikeable. Glad you've had fun with this one!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Born, I'll delete the second one, since the first already links to your post.

Rogue, those were some cool Lovecraft-style creatures in The Mist.

Anonymous said...

My husband threatened to divorce me after making him watch "Manos." Even Joel and the Bots couldn't make that one watchable!

Leovi said...

Although it is a wonder of rhythm, and at times becomes tedious, I would not put The English Patient speechifying in the ten films. Just because I enjoy photography not included in the list.

Jennie Bailey said...

The English Patient! YES! That deserved to be on someone's top ten list. Sometimes I don't know what the Academy is thinking. And how did I forget Highlander 2??

Ben said...

Hey Alex, I keep getting an error when I try to add my link on linkytools here's the code:

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - Great blogfest. The only one of yours I've seen is Battlefield Earth. I so wish I hadn't. LOL

EconomicDisconnect said...

All history of "Highlander 2" should be baished from memory.

nutschell said...

hmmm...Thankfully I haven't seen any of these movies. :D I do remember watching Horrible Bosses and feeling like I had wasted 2 hours of my life. :D


Michael Di Gesu said...

Not at all. Just because they are award winners doesn't mean they're any good.

Christine Rains said...

I think all bad movies should be subjected to a good MST3000 riffing. That the only time I've seen Manos. I laughed and watched the whole thing. I didn't know they did The Happening on Rifftrax. If I ever get the time, I want to see it!

Thanks for organizing the blogfest, Alex. This has been a lot of fun! :)

Ben said...

Works now, added!

LTM said...

good stuff here! Mano... *snort* I have to confess, I liked the English Patient in the theater, but I've never felt the need to watch it again. The others, never saw 'em.

Fun fest, A~

Donea Lee said...

Hi, Alex! You know, half the time - I don't watch academy-award winning movies at all. Although - I didn't think The English Patient was AWFUL. It was ok for me.

The Mist, however - totally agree. The Wicker Man, too...and Catwoman. Had they taken Michelle Pfeiffer from her role as Catwoman...they might have had something. Maybe. :)

Thanks for hosting the blogfest!! Off to read some more terrible movie reviews!

Golden Eagle said...

I've never seen any of these movies . . . which I guess is a good thing! :P

Thank you for hosting this blogfest!

Susan Oloier said...

I seriously need to visit your blog more often. How did I miss this blogfest???
The English Patient: I did not see the movie because--in my mind--the book was so bad there was no reason to.

Tara Tyler said...

good list, didnt see some but there was a reason.
battlefield earth, what a joke! and i enjoyed the book!

you reminded me of the keanu reeves movie where lots of people died and he saved two kids to repopulate a new planet and there were black stones...remember ? it was terrible!

John Teal said...

Having read a few of the participants lists I have reached a conclusion. I'm either very lucky or very wise when picking movie's, co I can happily say I have seen non of these !!

RJR Daydreamer

Robert Guthrie said...

To The English Patient I add Dances w/Wolves.

Lorena said...

Alex, fortunately I haven't seen any of the movies in your list except for The English Patient. And I have to agree with your assessment of it. Another "Elaine Benes" here. :-)

TS Hendrik said...

Hubbard was a better cult leader than a writer. Some surprising choices on the list. A lot of people loved The Mist. Wicker Man, original and remake sucked. Highlander 2... Well to be honest, even though I love it for a variety of reasons, the first one is pretty darn bad too. I think it's a good one for remake.

EconomicDisconnect said...

Mine is now up! Enjoy.

M Pax said...

lol, not even in focus. I should have included Battlefield Earth. Must have fallen into my void. I hear ya on Highlander II.

Alicia Gregoire said...

Highlander 2 is the film that should never have been. It's up there with the made for SyFy movie, Highlander: The Source. Great call on that one!

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I haven't seen all your picks, but the ones I have seen, I agree with you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Adrianne, they tried!

Jennie, I've been surprised how many have said they didn't like it.

Christine, they should! And look for The Happening on RiffTrax. It's worth it.

Ben, great! I'll be there soon. Still working my way through the list.

Donea, you have good tastes.

Susan, glad I avoided the book as well!

Tara, I do know that movie!

RJR, you are blessed!

Lorena, thanks!

Mary, it wasn't in focus!

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

I do a pretty good job of avoiding bad movies, therefore I have not seen a single one on your list.

The original "Wicker Man" is one of only a few Horror movies I really like, but I had heard so much about how awful the remake was that I avoided it. I can't help wondering how much it deviated from the original, but so far I have managed to keep myself from finding out.

~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

Li said...

I'm relieved that an astute movie goer such as yourself rated The English Patient as among the worst movies. I slept through it. (But naps are great, so actually time well spent, if a bit expensive.)

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes said...

A few technical problems, a bit late and I am number 93 on your comments. Oh well. Not surprisingly, my list is completely different than yours, and I haven't seen any of your movies. And now I won't for sure. :)
This was really fun. Thanks for hosting it. I linked my list to my name here.

Jennifer Hillier said...

Great blogfest, Alex! I agree with every single movie on your list... except with The Mist, which I sort liked, even though you're right in that it was totally disjointed.

This was fun!

Amy said...

Great list Alex! Wicker Man is getting around a lot today, so that definitely says a lot about it! I forgot all about The Mist - the ending drove me crazy.

Thank you for hosting, it'd been fun! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Alicia, thanks!

Stephen, you don't want to know just how bad...

Lisa, sleeping was better than watching it.

Rhonda, I just have a few left to check!

Mel Chesley said...

Wow Alex! Yet another successful blogfest. Congrats to you!

I never heard of Manos, but I've heard (and steered clear of) all the others. But I have to agree mostly on The Happening!

Run from the wind! Lol! said...

I haven't even heard of most of these but I'm glad you went out on a limb with the English Patient. Some Oscar winning movies did not deserve their notoriety.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I have never actually seen The English Patient so I can't judge you. Now that I saw that you put The Mist, I want to go add The Fog to my list. I love movie blogfests.

kjmckendry said...

Lol about Catwoman! Luckily I haven't seen most of the other ones. I only liked Fiennes in the English Patient.

Thanks for having this blogfest. It was great fun!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest Alex! I admit I didn't do much homeowork for mine - they are all my personal worsts - more of a taste choice than a "worst of all time for everyone" kind of thing.

The English Patient - saw it, and kind of liked it, kind of hated it. Didn't really push my buttons or make me want to walk out but at the same time I never wanted to watch it again.

Again - thanks for hosting!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I LOVED The English Patient, but I can totally understand why people hate it. Definitely not for everyone! And by everyone, I mean men.

I have never had the misfortune of seeing any of your others. Except The Happening, which I also liked.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mel, I'm running!

Thanks, Robyn.

PTM, this one has been a blast!

KM, glad you've enjoyed it.

Tyrean, well it did get a reaction then.

Karen, my wife's never seen it, so can't speak for her.

Stuart, it was that one or The Happening for me!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I liked the original Wicker Man. It sounds like a good thing I missed the Nicholas Cage version, though.

Chuck said...

I have only seen one on your list...The Happening. But I am that weird guy who has liked every M. Night movie, and I know plenty of people who never liked a one. I actually figured out The Village quite early on in the film. I have The Wicker Man and The Mist on DVD but have not watched them yet. I may have to move them up my list just to see if I really don't have any "critic" genes in me. Even though I did not participate in the blogfest due to never having seen a movie I hate...I am visiting many people on the list. Does that kinda count??

Tonja said...

Of all the movies you listed, I've only seen The English Patient. I didn't hate it but don't really remember much of it.

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks for adding me to the list, Alex. I thought I'd done that... and it's only Monday... *sigh*

baygirl32 said...

Highland and Battlefield Earth are everywhere this blogfest, I'm almost debating seeing them!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chuck, that counts. Good luck with those two.

That's all right, Jemi - you're there now!

Baygirl, no! Save yourself.

Sarah Ahiers said...

i love the mist. BUT, i love it because i enjoy the monsters. I get really frustrated by the mob mentality in the grocery store and at the end of the movie all i could think of was how i wanted all those people prosecuted for murder. I mean, it's classic King, but i really wanted a movie just about the monsters outside, as opposed to the monsters within.
Ohh battlefield earth. I love that book. And i LOVE Barry Pepper. And even that wasn't enough to save it for me.
And LMAO at Manos! We talk about that one in our house all the time!

Will Burke said...

Was Highlander 2 the one with the Bio-Dome? Yeah, that seemed to bwe another script they tacked onto an existing franchise, and I just vented about that! What's this about a prize? I've been away for a 2nd B-Day party, so I just found out about this.

Ella said...

Hi Captain,
Great list! I haven't seen The Wicker Man, phew..glad I didn't waste my popcorn ;D
I also am glad you listed The English Patient, it was very dry! I also was stunned it won anything. My worst movie ever that came to mind first was "Hot Millions". I guess it is now on DVD and I will allow my adult self to give it a chance, but it royally sucked, when I was eleven. " long as the blue light is on the computer is safe".
I sure now I would get a chuckle out of it~ Well Done~

laughingwolf said...

agree, alex, with those i've seen... i trust your judgment about those i have not....

laughingwolf said...

oh yeah: revolta belongs on that planet, as does cage in that suit....

WritingNut said...

This was a great blogfest.. I went around to quite a few people and discovered some very... er... intriguing movies! Awesome idea!

Now for your list... I was planning on watching The Happening this Halloween (yes, I'm stacking up my options early)... but NOWWWWW... I have to rethink my WHOLE plan.. tHANKs Alex ;)

Anne R. Allen said...

Alex, your blogfests are such a temptation, luring me away from work, but this is a great one. I agree with all the ones I've seen on the list. The Mist made me sooooo mad. Such a great opener and then...thunk. I don't like either of the Wicker Man movies because I hate to see stupid stereotypes of pagans, but I agree that the Nick Cage remake looked like bottom scrapings. And Catwoman--oh, what mess! And the English Patient was schlock masquerading as high art. OK I have to go back to work now.

alexia said...

I'm happy to say I haven't seen any of these! They do sound wretched. Your descriptions were making me laugh. I understand despising a classic - I tried to read Wuthering Heights and hated it for the same reason. All of the characters were truly awful people and I couldn't finish it.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Wow! Look at all your comments from this one. I didn't have time to look up 10 bad movies. I actually liked The English Patient, but I saw it years ago at the theatre, and I've never felt moved to rewatch it. Only one movie stands out that I could have walked out on, The Bonfire of the Vanities. Power A List cast, crappy story. I don't think I understood what was going on. Again, that was years ago.

Sand Castles and Snow Forts said...

A little late to the party but I made it! My list is up! Thanks for the fun, you're fabulous!

KM Nalle said...

Great blogfest Alex. Like your choices. I didn't like The Mist when I read it, God only knows why I put myself through the movie.

Brent Wescott said...

I have to take umbrage at your listing The Mist. It is a low budget movie, so the monster effects aren't great, but it's about what fear can do to a community of people, and their transformation is what is most scary. And as a father, the ending devastated me. It is the only way this movie could have ended. Awful, terrifying, and I love being moved like that by a film.

Thanks for the fest, Alex.:)

Catch My Words said...

The worst movie I ever saw was Solaris with George Clooney, but it had one funny part when I saw it. On the screen someone asked how a lady got on the space ship. Clooney said, "I just woke up and she was there."

That's when my sister leaned over to me and said, "I just woke up and she was there too."

Don't waste money on a rental!

Tina said...

Oh Alex, we are destined to be friends. Many of my (numerous) sci-fi friends loved John Travolta chomping on the scenery of Battlefiedl: Earth. I (and the hubby) were the lone outsiders. It was this movie, in fact, that brought me and The Engineer to the conclusion that sci-fi can be horrid and made fun of, or just plain, puke worthy horrid. It's a narrow category, but there you have it.
Oh, and "killer druid nanny" almost made me PIMP. We are now sci-fi soul-mates.
Proud to be a member of your ninja army,
Tina @ Life is Good

Suze said...

This is not the first list I've seen with 'The English Patient,' which gives me the smirks. :) :)

Andrew Leon said...

Speaking of Oscar winning movies, I can't believe I left Gladiator off of my list! Ugh! What a horrible movie, and Crowe just sucked. Now, I'm kicking myself for forgetting to include that one.

Angela Brown said...

Thanks so much for hosting this blogfest. This was so fracking much fun.

I've enjoyed visiting different lists and seeing which ones had the same ones and the reasons varied from things I could agree with get it.

I thought about putting The Pianist on my list. I know it's supposed to be a really good movie but Brody had way too many sullen moments that made me want to puke happiness and throw it at him. But I digress.

Unspoken said...

Nooooo, Alex! I loved The English Patient. Yes, I was bored out of my mind at times, but the end was a payoff!

Eli Ashpence said...

I'm too late to join the blog hop, but here's mine:

Andrew said...

Man, I love this Worst Movies Ever thing that's going on....
Kudos for including Battlefield Earth, and, indeed, all of your other entries were quite terrible.

Good list!

Reid Kemper said...

I watched the "Battlefield Earth" movie in its entirety at the movie theaters because I read the book. Someone I knew also watched it that day. Needless to say, he left the theater midway through the movie because it was so bad.

How about George Lucas' "Howard the Duck" movie as one of the worst films?

Civil War Horror said...

I wisely avoided the remake of The Wicker Man, probably one of the least necessary remakes in cinema history.
I showed the original to my Spanish wife who had never heard of it. It totally blew her away because she wasn't expecting the ending!

Samantha Vérant said...

What? You didn't like the English Patient??? You must not have a thing for Ralph Fiennes!!! (sp???)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fallen, Manos is classic crap.

Ella, glad I wasn't the only one.

Writing Nut, don't do it!

Anne, you should've joined the fun.

Glad you are as well, Tina.

Suze, you are cool.

Eli, I'll add it later!

Reid, I saw Howard the Duck on a few lists.

Thanks everyone for making this a blast!

REINHARDT! said...

Oh god. Manos. It was hard enough getting through the MST 3000 version. I do like how it was the only movie to prompt the MST 3000 cast to apologize TWICE to the audience.

Maryannwrites said...

Sorry I missed this yesterday. Can't list some of my greatest disappointments because you said sci-fi doesn't count. LOL

Regarding The English Patient, granted the relationships were cliched and perhaps offensive to some, but the acting was good and the cinematography was wonderful.

Rek Sesh said...

I kind of liked English patient but then I like "period" movies plus it had the Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe not to mention Colin Firth and Naveen Andrews, all fav actors of mine....seems Battlefield is a universal dislike...
You nailed it with Catwoman and Highlander 2 but I thought the third part took the blog Razzies.

the Rambler said...

In my experience, award-winning movies tend to be ... let us say, slow.

I adored Catwoman as a little girl, but somehow I managed to miss the part with the yarn. I'm truly afraid to watch it again.

Huntress said...

Forgive me, Alex. I couldn't join your blogfest this time. Often the movies I love other people hate and vice versa.

I. Just. Couldn't. Do it this time.

Btw, I agree with *your* personal worst movies but after cruising other blogs...ACK.

Ciara said...

This was a fantastic blog fest, Alex. I didn't get to post but I visited a ton of the blogs that did. It was so much fun. I'll have to plan ahead next time. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Reinhardt, they were challenged by it, weren't they?

Reka, it might have! Yes, Battlefield Earth was the runaway winner.

Rambler, keep you memories intact and skip the Halle Berry version.

Huntress, that's all right!

Ciara, hope you can join us on the next one!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Good choices! Hated the ending on The English Patient.

Dave said...

I forgot about The Happening, I must have blocked it out...

Dave Wrote This

Pat Hatt said...

Highlander 2 and Catwoman take the cake, biggest loads of garabage ever, rest are cringe worthy too.

Leovi said...

Catwoman would be only for the photographic aspects.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Jason.

Carolina, good for you!

Dave, I wish I would.

Copyboy said...

I love that Seinfeld episode about the English Patient. Nice list. I approve.

Susan Fields said...

Those do sound pretty awful! My worse movie ever was Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford - yawn.

M.A. Leslie said...

Sorry I didn't get a chance to comment on Monday, but I love your list. We are checking out the Worst Ever Blogfest list, the day after.

Mr. Xploit, Esquire said...

Oh man I would have loved to have been a part of this fest! Anyway, I can't believe The Mist is on your list! What? What? The ending is great! It only gets better as it goes along? What was bad?

Lisa Potts said...

After seeing The English Patient on so many lists, I think they should strip it of its Oscars! And Catwoman? Ugh.

Thanks so much for continuing to come up with these awesomely fun blogfests!

notesfromnadir said...

I think Battlefield Earth has made a lot of worst movie lists.

You're right about Highlander. Most of the time sequels don't work.

Ty said...

"Not the bees! Arrrgh!" The Wicker Man was hilariously bad. Totally agree with all your choices. Highlander II is really awful. That was a tough sit. Same with Battlefield Earth.

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

I haven't seen any of these movies, Alex. Now I'm really glad I haven't--I hate wasting time on awful movies. I'd share some movies I thought stunk, but I've put them out of my head.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Alex, thank you for hosting the blogfest! I connected with quite a few bloggers and loved the concept of commenting on each other's bad movie choices!
Goodness, your list contains some pretty awful ones, ha,ha!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Copyboy, that was a good one!

MA, that's fine! All links go straight to the blogfest posts.

Mr Xploit, sorry you missed it. Sorry, didn't like them all killing themselves a minute after running out of gas. What a bummer ending.

Lisa, hope you had fun with this one!

Ty, I watched The Wicker Man in horror and for all the wrong reasons...

Angela, glad you enjoyed it! Reading everyone's reasons was a blast.

DL Hammons said...

I agree with each one of your selections, but most especially THE MIST. Don't even get me started about that ending!!!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DL, thanks! Several couldn't believe I didn't like it, but the whole movie just deteriorated for me.

Walter Knight said...

I loved "Battlefield Earth." Culture clash issues between humans andaliens were brought out expertly, as has not been done in any other movie.

My favorite part is when the alien fed rats to human captives, thinking he was doing them a favor. The alien had photgrapthed starving humans eating rats, and thought rats were a prefered human food.

I think "Battlefield Earth" is dumped on so virlulently by East Coast elitists because it is not polically correct, in their eyes, to make a movie that is patriotic in any way.

I thought the acting was great. Science fiction movies are not easy to make.