Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Insecure Writer’s Support Group and Guest Post

Today I have a guest post at Patricia’s SITE, talking about how movies can influence plot and character development. Really! Stop laughing and go read it.

But first, I have an announcement regarding the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!

Thanks everyone for your input and suggestions – I’m glad the idea appealed to so many. That’s the cool thing about this blogging community – everyone is so supportive.

Here’s what it’s about and how it will work. Monthly posts were the overall favorite, but I think I’ve incorporate some of the other elements as well. (And all of this is located above under the tab marked “The Insecure Writer’s Support Group.")

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer.

Connecting: The page for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group will list those who are participating. It also allows for comments if you have an immediate need. This where we can help one another. Check the page whenever you visit – if you can help a fellow writer, hop over to their blog and offer assistance. (I may set up lists of where people are in the process, so if you’re having querying issues, you can visit someone else who is querying or someone who signed a contract for help. Or a list of resources.)

That’s the idea! First post date for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is Wednesday, September 7. Sign up below or on the page above.

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

(And feel free to tell me if any of this sucks.)

All right, now you may visits Patricia’s SITE!

This is a Blog Hop!

You are next... Click here to enter
This list will close in 1263 days, 4 hrs, 44 min (9/9/2028 11:59 PM North America - Eastern Standard Time)

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here...


Laila Knight said...

Good morning, Alex.

Two things: I don't see your guest post at Patricia's site. The last post seems to be from July 28. And, I will be out of town Sept 9th. Can I still participate of future Insecure Writers Support Group days if I don't sign up today?

Isis Rushdan said...

Writers can learn a great deal about the craft from watching movies.

Signed up for the IWSG.

Old Kitty said...

Your guest post isn't up yet!! So I'll check later!

As I'm on the periphery of all things writerly, mind if I stay on the sidelines and see how things go first? Although riddled with self-doubt at being a no talent but very proud bad poetry writer (LOL!), I truly have no other words of wisdom to offer that others would do so and with far more lucidness than myself - except to maybe get a cat and call him Charlie..! LOL!

Take care

Jessica Bell said...

Sounds great! Signing up :o)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laila, hopefully it will be up later. And yes, you can participant whenever you want!

Thanks, Iris!

Kitty, you really need to sign up! Besides, you can really help others because I've never seen you lack for words.

Thanks, Jessica!

Anonymous said...

I really like the sound of the support group... will have to check it out:) Like the saying goes, sometimes it's better to suffer with others than alone!

Huntress said...

Linky links makes my 'puter snarl at me. (!!)

I note movie dialogue, the cadence and flow, and also the 'language' of teens in coming of age flicks.

Laura M. Campbell said...

A great idea! I constantly struggle with my self-doubt. I even write about it, then chicken out. The post never makes it on my blog for fear of sounding like a big whiny baby. I'm totally signing up! Thanks, Alex!

Christine Danek said...

Um, yeah, you know I need this. :) Thanks!

Rusty Carl said...

Well, I'm all signed up and ready for the healing to begin.

Tonja said...

I'm feeling too insecure this morning to leave a good comment. Or maybe I'm just too tired. :/

Jules said...

I think you are Captain Ninja! Only a captain would take such good care of a ship, a ship of insecure writer's. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Summer Ross said...

I signed up- it sounds helpful and rewarding. Plus it goes with my posting days- Double bonus! Have a great day Alex.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Movin' slow today (rain not age, I hope) but I'm on board.

Mason Canyon said...

What a wonderful idea. I'm not a writer but I'd love to post your information on my sidebar and help pass the word along, if that's okay. Off to check out your guest post.

Thoughts in Progress
Freelance Editing By Mason

Luanne G. Smith said...

I hope we don't crash the internet with all our writer neurosis. :D

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i enjoyed your post, many of my characters get life before the story and is seen in my eyes before i write it... alas that is why my stories are short, i have a short attention span... wait, were are we going?

great insightful guest post!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TF, it is!

Huntress, sorry about the snarling.

Laura, just post it.

Tonja, but you did it.

Jules, hope we don't hit a storm.

Mason, thank you, I appreciate it!

LG, it could happen!

Thanks, Jeremy.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I just signed up. And I'm on my way over to Patricia's site right now!

Carol Kilgore said...

Good for you! Now I'm going to Patricia's :)

Unknown said...

Alex this is a great idea! I don't have the time to participate, but I'm really impressed what you're doing for so many people.

Tara Tyler said...

no laughing! most of the world gets their "literature" from the movies! cant wait to read your post.

and i couldnt henpeck this ipad fast enough to be in The Group!

one suggestion, mighty leader, can we come up with a topic to talk about, commiserate over and give advice on each month? thanks for doing this!

BodieP said...

What a great idea! You'll have every writer in the world on your group page.

Suze said...

So you enter the Blog Hop in order to be a part of The Insecure Writer's Group?

Tyrean Martinson said...

Alex - great guest post! We can definitely learn storytelling and writing techniques from movies!
And I love the timing and pacing of your insecure writer's group. Once a month is perfect.

Doralynn Kennedy said...

Hi Alex, I stopped by P.M.'s site. I see my books as movies while I write, so I'm very visual... which is probably why I love movies so much. And thanks for the new blog hop! I love these... your blog hops have got me over 100 followers now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Leovi said...

Create rhythm in cinema is much easier, as well as the word has the support of images and sound. But creating the right rhythm with just words in a literary work requires much talent. For me one of the great masters in this respect was Charles Bukowski.

M.J. Fifield said...

I didn't laugh at the idea of movies influencing character development and plot. Like Doralynn, I often see my writing as a movie (or television show) so it's natural for me.

I'm really looking forward to the Insecure Writers Support Group. Thanks for spearheading that!!

Mark said...

Wait getting over insecurities isn't the point of blogging already;) Just kidding, sounds cool:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Stephen!

Charles, just trying to give back to this awesome community.

Tara, I'm thinking the first day will be introductions and whatever doubts and triumphs pull at the blogger the hardest. And iPad people rock!

Bodie, that's a scary thought!

Suze, yes! But if you miss a posting, it's no big deal.

Tyrean, that seemed to be the best solution. Gives it room to grow if necessary.

Doralyn, that's how I see my writing as well - like a movie playing in my head. And so happy you are meeting so many new bloggers now!

MJ, that's how I see it as well.

Mark, some of us need a little more...

Thanks everyone!

Mel Chesley said...

I am so there. Both at the guest post and support group. :D

Hart Johnson said...

This is great! I'm excited for this. I will give a shout tomorrow, too.

Kelly Polark said...

Great post over at pm's!

Christopher Hudson said...

Can you start an Insecure Marketer group?

Rek Sesh said...

It is a lovely effort to get the lonely writers a common ground to meet, crib and pick up useful skills and ideas...


Wednesdays sounds Great, hope it will be a success.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hart, thanks - appreciate that!

Thank you, Kelly.

Chris, I'd really suck at that.

Thanks, Rek!

Elisa DeLany said...

Ooooh, I can't wait! But I can't sign up yet. Adult responsibilities have me trapped in an endless cycle of angst. So I will stay on the sidelines and cheerlead.

Michelle Gregory said...

encouraging other writers greatly appeals to me, especially if we can be honest and transparent. i'm just not sure with things coming up in life if i can commit to every month. guess i could give it a go.

Dafeenah said...

Sounds great! You are super. I so could not manage all of this I am barely keeping my head above water as it is Thanks again!!

M Pax said...

Look forward to our insecurities being shared. :)

Will go read your guest post.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Alex, is this something like FFW where we post on our own blog about needful topic?

I think I'm a bit confused...but that's nothing new! :P

Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

Empty Nest Insider said...

This is a great idea! I like your open policy as I may not be able to jump in until later in September. I'm sure I'll have developed many more insecurities by then, but I don't know much about writing. Julie

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I don't normally post on Wednesdays, but since I am next week, I can do one now and then.

Unknown said...

It sounds great. I'll be there to support.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Great idea. I'm definitely up for it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michelle, just post when you can. And thanks for mentioning it on your blog.

Dafeenah, only because I am part Ninja...

Elizabeth, yes!

Julie, jump in whenever you are ready.

Powdered Toast Man said...

Alex, you should be getting paid for this.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PTM, they said the check's in the mail...

Michelle Fayard said...

What an excellent idea, Alex; thank you! Not only can we ask our burning questions, we don't have to feel embarrassed about doing so. :)

Unknown said...

Cool idea, have signed up! :) Off to check your guest post!

Ella said...

I'm confused too... I am not a writer and can't give support, but want support. So do I sign up or just check out all of these post? Between the quake and long lines getting hurricane supplies, my brain is fried. Forgive me~ :D

Thank you Captain! You rock~ I would love to be on this ship~

julie fedderson said...

Woo-hoo! I can't wait to bask in the security of my fellow insecure writers. Soft fuzzy blankets and comfort food for everybody!

Sarah Tokeley said...

You should be really proud at getting the ball rolling on this Alex, well done.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Congratulations Alex ... This is great!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michelle, exactly!

Ella, you write a blog, so you are most certainly a writer. Please sign up!

Julie, that's the spirit.

Sarah and Michael, thanks, and I'm going to give it my best effort.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Am off to see your guest post! But I do have to say this again: the Insecure Writers Support Group is such a great idea!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Oh fun, I'm glad you are going through with this idea! And I'm so glad it doesn't conflict with my Labor Day Blog BBQ hehe! Or I would feel really insecure about going forth against so many insecure writers and I would probably just quietly walk away and pretend I never had that idea in the first place. What Blog BBQ? Oh, never mind.

Angela said...

This is a great idea, and I love the name. Because who among us is not a little insecure about our writing?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Sangu!

Karen, hope it helps a lot of writers. And I tried so hard to pick a date that works for everyone.

Angela, that's right!

Ciara said...

Wow, September is going to be a busy month. I'm in, but I might have to put it on a separate tab on my blog. I'll work out the details. :)

Rick Watson said...

Hey Alex, this comment is off topic, but I got your book in the mail yesterday and I'm looking forward to reading it after I finish the book I'm currently reading.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I'm in!

LTM said...

omg--LOL! So I like participated in this today and didn't know it... I'm wondering if there's something in the air. Maybe we're all dealing w/the season change...

Stop being ridiculous~ ((hugs))

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ciara, however you want to participate is fine with me.

Rick, thanks so much! I really appreciate that.

LTM, I was thinking that when I read your post today. Great minds think alike.

laughingwolf said...

thx alex, i'm in!

dumb linky would not post my link as "d'oh", appears as "doh"... GRRRRR

Dan said...

This is a cool idea. I'm a writer surrounded by non-writers. They don't exactly relate to the doubts and anxieties involved with writing.

Thanks, Dan

Patricia Stoltey said...

I cannot mess with my favorite affirmation: I am not insecure, I am not insecure, I am not insecure...

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Insecure writers bolstering each other through their own experiences? This does sound like a good idea. Off to look at your guest post.

Aleta said...

You make me want to be a writer just so I can be a part of your awesome support group!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, Laughing Wolf!! But glad you're with us.

Thanks, Dan!

Um, Patricia...?

Thanks, Michael. I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm for this idea.

Aleta, you write a blog - you ARE a writer!

CA Heaven said...

That's a very good initiative. I'm in >:)

Cold As Heaven

Copyboy said...

I gotta admit that is really a very cool group concept. And yes, us copywriters should have a place as well. We're waaay more insecure than you novelists.

Ella said...

Captain Alex is not only a ninja, but a salesman, too. The best kind of Captains, can kick butt, listen and start forums for support ;D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cold, glad you're on board!

Copyboy, does this mean you're neurotic as well?

Suze said...

Argh. I meant to type in the name of my blog, not the url, to enter.

How is it that we can be so intelligent when it comes to certain tasks and such dimwits when it comes to others? :)

Thanks for putting this together, Alex.

ali cross said...

Wow! I came here TODAY to learn about the IWSG TODAY and ta da! Ask and ye shall receive, right?

I am IN!!

Andrew said...

Man, have I been missing out on some great stuff during my month-long blogging vacation!
This reading is going to occupy the rest of my night.

alberta ross said...

great idea the insecure writers have signed up - and hi from a fellow campaigner - thanks for dropping by my post

Tina said...

Sounds like a great support group! I'm all in.
Tina @ Life is Good

Tina said...

LOVE what Ella said ;-)

Tina @ Life is Good

Missed Periods said...

You're so funny. "(And feel free to tell me if any of this sucks.)" is the perfect way to end a post about an insecure writers workshop.

I personally think it's a great idea.

Leovi said...

I'm looking forward to seeing how this Insecure Writer's Support Group.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suze, I'll fix it.

Thanks, Ali - you rock!

Andrew, welcome back.

Alberta, thanks!!

Tina, appreciate that.

Missed, you like that touch, huh?

Jan Morrison said...

Hi Alex - I joined and my number on linky is my age. Weird.
See you on that first Wednesday...

Julie Flanders said...

Oh, this sounds like such a wonderful group! You always come up with such fantastic ideas, kudos to you. I'm joining and look forward to supporting everyone else.

See you all in September!

Unknown said...

I am entered!!! Yay!! I am officially part of the Insecure Writers crew and I am looking forward to the first post. I have so many issues, my issues have issues. And I probably shouldn't be saying that as now you'll think I'm a lunatic. ;)

Unknown said...

Signed up and waiting in suspense :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jan, what are the odds?

Julie, thanks!

Melissa, it wouldn't have been the same without you!

Thanks. Siv!

KM Nalle said...

Great idea Alex. I can see now why you are a Captain Ninja. I'm looking forward to reading these posts!

Jamie Gibbs said...

Count me in, Sensei!

junebug said...

I signed up!! Do I get a hug now? Hugs help with my insecurity. :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Kari!

Jamie, you rock.

Junebug, after the first day, we may all need hugs.

Brianna said...

You had me at neurotic!

I'm a neurotic, platform-building, ninja now! Woot!

kelly said...

Does adding my name to the Blog Hop mean I've signed up for the Insecure Writer's Support Group?

kelly said...

also, I don't quite understand. Is there a central (safe) place where we all post our insecurities and read about others' -- or do we all write our own blog posts and jump from blog to blog to read and respond?

Because here's the thing. I've got readers who don't want to read about my whiny insecurities. They want to believe I'm strong. Or ... at least that's what I want to believe about them. I've built a certain image, and I don't want to deviate in order to talk to a small circle of people.

SO, if I can go to a safe place and whine, great! But if I have to whine on my own blog, then I don't think I'll participate.