I’m not an expert on marketing, but there is one tip I can offer - don’t use your blog just to advertise. Sure, when you’re doing a blog tour or there’s a big moment, let everyone know. But don’t venture into blogging to advertise. Come here to make friends.
Why do I think that’s important? Because I can’t begin to tell you how many of my blogger buddies purchased my book just because they like me. For many, it was their first science fiction book! It’s really flattering and humbling.
If I’d focused on selling my book rather than making friends, I would’ve missed a great opportunity. And not just in the books I wouldn’t have sold, but in the priceless value of the friendships I would’ve missed.
Crap, I think I just learned something. Thanks, guys!
Check out my FFW partners’ answers: Elizabeth, Anastasia, J. D., Deirdre, M. Pax, and Jeffrey, and Charlene.
Quiz answers:
The Lexx was a living spaceship on these four TV movies before it was a series - name the movie series title! Before it was a series called Lexx, it was four TV movies called Tales From a Parallel Universe.
Name the song VH1 Classics declared as the number one rock song of the 1980’s. Bonus fuzzy feelings if you can name the second song as well! Number one - Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer. Number two - Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar on Me
Now, are you ready for a new blogfest?
We had The Movie Dirty Dozen - now it’s time for:
That’s right! Time to list the worst movies ever made.
Here’s the scoop:
Worst Movies Ever Blogfest!
On Monday, September 19, post a list of up to ten of the worst movies you’ve ever had the misfortune to watch. Films that just oozed awfulness and featured plot holes so big you could drive a bus through them. Any genre or year, but only theater and straight to video/DVD titles. (Otherwise we’d all list every movie ever made by the SyFy Channel!) Sign up, grab the button, and on September 19, give us the worst! And be sure to visit others participating in the blogfest.
So, are you ready to warn the world about some really bad films?
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The worst movies ever made? Wow, I didn't see that one coming. :) It's a great idea, since I love listing terrible things. LOL. It should have been called The Filthy Dozen :)
Awesome, Alex! Just awesome!
There are so many bad movies it'll be hard to narrow the list down. This is my first blogfest. It sounds like fun!
Awww Cap'n Alex!! I feel all mushy and gooey!! Yay for some bloglurve!!! And hold the bucket of cold water! LOL!!!
I've got that Living on a Prayer song going round my head now!!!!
Take care
I correct my comment it should read
NOT too hot on films but will have a go.
Cool Blogfest! I agree with you about the blogging thing. I think that I've made great friends along the route. Sure, it's a way to let the world know your book is out but that's not the main reason I blog. There is just such a wonderful support group here.
One really bad movie is the Librarian starring the guy from E.R. Terrible!
Thank you for the blogging advice. I'll let you know what I think of your book when I'm done with it. :) I see I bombed your quiz...always hated pop quizes. Cool new blog fest..will play. Have an awesome Friday! :)
Okay so the linky instructions guy always cracks me up. Anyway, you are so right about that! If I was here just for platform, I'd be bored out of my mind.
Have an excellent weekend, Alex!
George, knew you'd like that one! Good title. Of course, someone would've listed other filthy things...
Isis, glad you're on board! Blogfests are a blast.
Kitty, could be worse things in your head, right?
Yvonne, I said up to ten, so if you only list a couple, that's cool.
Clarissa, it's certainly not the main reason I blog now.
Laura, your list has already begun!
Laila, hope you enjoy it.
Pk, glad Mr. Linky amuses you.
There are bad movies, and then there are the ones that go so far beyond bad that they're actually funny. I enjoy some of those; I'm particularly fond of scary stuff gone stupid (Tremors comes to mind) because if a horror movie is well done, I can't watch it.
Glad you're still lovin' the blog world Alex - me too. So many great people here.
Good tip. It's easy to get caught up in demanding everyone buy your stuff. Got to get past that.
I can't believe I blanked on Bon Jovi. But I also can't believe my dark horse guess of Eye of the Tiger didn't win. That song was so huge.
A pretty cool sounding blogfest to boot.
Alex - I couldn't agree more about the fundamental truth of blogging. I just can't do it for anything but connecting with fellow slaves of art, folks with humour and love. Great reminder. As to worst movies ever - there was one Jack Nicholson made years ago -maybe 30 years ago - it was set in Spain or something and it stunk! Nothing happened. My partner and I left in the middle and it was a heat wave in Ottawa with theatres being the only cool places to be. argggh.
Hmmmm, can we specify by genre? My blog focuses on horror, so could I do worst horror movies ever made?
Speaking of, I recently blogged about watching Basket Case 2 here in Oxford while waiting for the riots to start.
PS: Thanks for replying to my question via my blog. I did see your reply here, but it was nice for you to follow up!
Thank you for sharing that bit of knowledge, something I have wanted to say but I think you said it best. :)
I guess we are still thinking of Sharkapus :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
thanks for the blogger advice, i am glad to have made the many friends here...
i do try to sell my stuff or things i am able to do for you all... shall i list them here or you can just go to my blog and be bombarded by the big artistic banners, links to my art store, my book, ebook design and art or even the flashy z-dazzle [where i turn you into a zombie, which if you have a coupon it's $5 bucks]option...
but this is not me [i would never try to push this onto you or turn this into something about me], once again i love friends, comments and willingness to "laugh" at my "attempts of humor".
and vh1 i was close, yeah!
worst movies i am in, yeah!
i don't see you going to any movies this weekend... final destination 5, 30 minutes or less or the help...
Li, if you like Tremors, you'll enjoy my post on Monday!
Rusty, Eye of the Tiger might have been on the list.
Jan, you know it's a bad movie when you leave the sanctuary of a cool theater!
Civil, go for worst horror films! I'm sure a few will wind up on my list. And I noticed Linky Tools now lists blogfests in a directory, so check their site.
Thanks, Jules! And yes, Sharktopus would top that list.
I already have a guest blogger scheduled for September 19th. :( I'll have to think if there is a way to participate. If I can't post. I'll still check everyone else out. :) BTW - You are SO right about the friends in the blogging world. It's such an awesome bunch!
Oh, that blogfest seems super fun. So many bad movies out there...
yes, such great advice about blogging - but really, it's great life advice, period - approaching life from caring and love first - monetary gains are frosting - wonderful frosting, but still frosting - the number of really great friends i've made in blogland is mind boggling and i'm so grateful for them - astounding - now, i'll have to try to gear up for the most awful of the awful - my mind tends to let those fall away into that parallel universe of awfuls so they don't crowd my own world of everything is beautiful! ;)
I agree about the advertising. I have a few small ads, but they're not overwhelming. I've seen some blog w/ so much advertising that you can't really focus on the blog, which is a "fail."
So good advice on the advertising bit.
You make a great point, Alex. Don't try to sell me yourself or your book. Just be cool, be real, and I'll be interested in getting to know you. Once I do, of course I'll want your book!
Well, that should be quite the blogfest ... held on International Talk Like a Pirate Day. The posts should be hilarious regardless of the content!
ten? That's going to be a lot. I block most of them out.
You're right about the advertising on blogs. There are some blogs that only do that and like with TV commercials I flip the channel. Useful or entertaining content is why I read a blog.
I'm signed up for the blogfest--how could I not? Of course, some movies are so bad that they're good. You won't see any Ed Wood, Jr films on my list, but I'm sure I'll think of some films that I couldn't stand and they were too bad to be good.
Tossing It Out
grrrrr-reat blogfest idea!
i ADORE the graphic that goes with!
I couldn't resist. I have such strong memories of my least favorite movie ever.
By the way, I put a typo in my entry for #14--can you delete it? My bad. #16 works fine.
Great tip, Alex. I couldn't agree more.
Worst movies, eh? Will it anger everyone if I say LOTR? ;)
The Lexx movies were surprisingly not bad. Your lexx question inspired part of my quiz.
Extremely good advice on the blog advertising. Advertising always scares me away.
That is a paramount idea for a blog fest. Got to be a an original.
Great advice! Connections are so important, advertise, yes, but not at the expense of making friends and having fun.
Worst Movies, oh you know I am up for this one. I've already got my list. ;)
I feel the same way. it's cool to let people know you have a book out there, but the blog must be more than that. :)
I'm in! :)
Love the advice on marketing - pure advertisement turns me off too :)
Very very well said, Alex. It's all about relationships!
I don't think there's any way a blog can help sell books unless there's a relationship with the people who read it.
Damn, I knew I had the rock trivia wrong. I'm afraid I was in my punk mode during the 80's. Didn't know very many straight rock songs.
Worst movie ever made hunh? Sounds like fun! :)
Sorry, Ciara! I tried to pick a day far enough in advance for everyone.
Gypsy, it's the friends in life that matter. And wish bad movies would fall out of my brain.
Matthew, I try!
Donna, do I know how to time them or what?
Chris, come up with as many as you can.
Lee, I bet you come up with some good ones.
Aspiring, thanks - I tried to make it effective.
Lydia, I'll fix it!
Sarah, probably...
Budd, I figured it did! How'd I do?
Manzanita, I try to be different.
Melissa, paring mine down to ten will be difficult.
Thanks, Talli!
LG, that's all right. You tried.
True, use your blog to friend.
Have a great weekend.
What a great Blogfest idea! I'm in for passing out my ideas for some of the worst movies ever made - and their are a lot (Syfy originals aside)!
That is some great advise, and also very true! Have a great weekend! :)
P.S. Are you going to see the new Final Destination movie?
I totally agree about blogging being a place to make friends and be a friend.
Your blog hop sounds like great fun!
Happy Weekend :)
I also agree with you, blogging is for building friendships. I'm struggling right now, so it's very comforting when friends stop by and say hi. Makes me feel like I'm not talking to myself...I really want to get back to posting almost daily, but daily life is squashing that right now. Balance is what I'm looking for, it's just so elusive right now.
Thanks for doing another party! I really enjoy meeting new folks. I was just saying the other day that I need something else to kick me in the derriere to get going. Stupid movies work! It's a fine line, though. Some movies are so stupid they're entertaining for the mocking value. But making a list will not be hard...we movie buffs tend to have a long list of those, just because we watch so many movies...
Tina @ Life is Good
You know Alex, I generally forget them. I can maybe think of two, off the top of my head. Maybe I'll get hubs, who is fabulous at this sort of stuff, to add the list.
Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE
If they are the worst..well I probably didn't end up seeing the whole thing. If it's looking bad and i mean bad I usually call it quits. giggle. Great idea for a blog hop though. big hugs and happy weekend wishes!
The worst movies ever made. Hmmm...fun. And you're definitely right about the SyFy channel movies.
Great blogging advice. I wish I could get it to stick in my head. :) I never seem to find the time to blog/or think of something to say.
I got into blogging to "build a platform" but I've gotten so much more out of it! My last post was all over this topic. I've made friends for life who've helped advance my writing career & definitely made me a better writer. Can't ask for anything more!
'Come here to make friends.'
Blogger after my own heart. :)
Amy, glad you like it! Think I'll pass on that movie though.
Tina, you are not talking to yourself! And now you are inspired by stupid movies. At least they're good for something.
Sia, you can list as many as you like.
Laura, I enjoy your posts!
Nancy, you're right!
Thanks, Suze.
Ah, nuts! I had a feeling I should've gone with Bon Jovi... :)
And that's a great tip on marketing - the friendships are the connections that count, for sure.
Fun blogfest idea! I know I've seen some awful movies lately... (sadly). Guess I better start a list.
sounds hilarious! cant wait to see everyones lists!
cool idea, i could list at least 100 lol
Great point about blogging and marketing :)
Donea, check it twice!
Alex, you make such a great point about blogging and selling books. You NEVER focused on that, and that's one of the reasons we love you! For me, blogging is ALL about relationships. I've learned so much from each of you, and I've met such amazing people. Book sales pale in comparison.
Thanks for the advice/tips. You said it all.
I don't have patience for a bad movie (I hardly have patience for a good one) but this is a fun blogfest idea so I'm thinking about it.
Happy Friday, Alex.
Amen on that! Great post, it cuts to the heart of blogging, i.e. better to be a better person than necessarily a "successful" one. Although I suppose they can be the same depending on your personal philosophy:)
Blogging is a completely different animal than what I thought of it before I started---and I completely agree, it's not about marketing as much as it is about hanging out, having fun, learning what you can from others and perhaps even imparting a bit of wisdom when inspiration strikes.
Def Leppard and Bon Jovi have been duly notes for a little quiz I'll be making up... ;)
I can't wait to see how this list ends up!
Great post Captain Alex of the Rocking Ninja Army ;D
I love this idea; now I will have to turn back the projector of time and see what I can pull out. One horrid ones comes to mind. Kids in the hood were bored, we begged our parents to take us to the Saturday matinee. Drop us off, two of us were old enough to watch the others. They did, but someone had read the wrong newspaper. A wretched flick was playing, worst I have ever seen. I think I was 13; we laughed about it for years...remember when we saw...something with million in the title. Now time to open the vault and find the title...yikes!
Oh, hell yes, this is a blogfest I can embrace. I love craptastic cinema. And what? Pour Some Sugar On Me? I must have blocked that one out of my trivia limbic system.
Julie, thank yo!
Robyn, join us! I bet you could remember some fun bad ones.
Mark, then I feel I am both.
So true, Nicki! I sense another 80's trivia soon...
Ella, thanks! And I hope you remember it - you have me curious now.
Julie, somehow I thought you'd like it!
Thanks for the advice!
I signed up for the blogfest--I'll have to think for a while to come up with more than a couple of titles, but it sounds like it's going to be fun!
Looking forward to the worst movies ever.
Hey now, Mega Piranha was fabulous, I laughed so much. Saem with Gatoroid vs. Mega Python. But I love Godzilla and Gamera movies, too.
I stink at trivia. The blogs has been a great way of making friends. Glad I bumped into you, Alex. :)
Great advice!! I absolutely agree. Thanks for visiting me even though I was a horrible bloggy friend. Worst summer ever. Elec and internet both went on hiatus then my computer died so I was having to steal my husband's when he wasn't around. Now hopefully it's sorted and super happy to be able to participate in the blogfest too! Don't forget to remind me closer to the time. I barely remember my own name these days.
Ah, you brought a tear to my eye. Yes, you did! I can't imagine you really "pushing" anything :)
Have to skip the blogfest. I'll probably remember every movie mentioned but not by title. I suck at titles ;o(
Golden, that's why I gave you a month's warning.
Mary, I'm glad you did as well!
Dafeenah, you weren't! And I won't let anyone forget.
Thanks, Mary. If you'd like to send me some descriptions, I bet I can tell you the titles.
I'm glad you said that Alex. I keep reading about how I'm doing all the wrong things with my blog, but i don't care. I only started it to have fun and 'meet' people.
And Def Leppard. Really?
Awesome advice. Now please go buy my books at...(just kidding).
Sometimes we forget about the friendships...
Sure, I'll do the crappy movies blogfest. Matches my mood right now...
Woot! I can't wait. :D
Sarah, it all depends on what you want to accomplish with your blog, so there's no right or wrong way. And Def Leppard was cool in the day.
Anita - funny!
Diane, now I'm scared...
Knew you'd like it Mel!
It's so obvious but there are still those who just don't get it. Blogging is not about selling, it's about relationships!
Joining in the fun :). Agree with you a 100%about blogging friends...I enjoy the feeling of community!
You are so right Alex. I've met the most amazing people blogging.
Love the new blogfest! It should be a gas.
I think your reasons for blogging should be listed under the golden rule! I've seen so many terrible movies. Now I just have to remember them for the blogfest. This should be fun! Julie
in everything we do we must enjoy it to keep going and only the joy of friendships and the camaraderie of a community can offer us the support we need to strive and be inspired.
Karen, you're right.
DAmy, it is the friendships.
Michael, glad you're excited about it!
Julie, thanks!
Oceangirl, you said it better than I ded.
My son saw Cowboys and Aliens last night. I think he would put it on the list.
Cool! Another Blogfest. I have ten easy stinker movies already lined up, and I haven't even finished my comment. I'm in!
hmm, worst movies, and I can't include any movies on scyfy? Aw, that's no fun. They have the funniest worst movies ever. Like The Beast of Bray Road - even the title is awful! I'll have to put my thinking cap on but if I can't come up with anything I'll definitely check out those who sign up. Great idea!
Excellent Def Leppard, I would put it at number one. Thank you for your welcome, my holidays have been very relaxing. I hope that you are having a wonderful summer. Greetings.
Helen, no! It was a fun movie.
Stephen, that was fast.
MsHatch, everyone's list would be nothing but SyFy movies then!
Leovi, glad you are back with us!
Oh so, so many bad movies. Now I just have to try to recall them!
Oh I love your tip! Just come out to make friends!! Not everyone plays with that attitude. When they do, it's much more fun, for everyone.
Okay, I can do this one. I'm signing up now.
This blog hop sounds like so much fun. I'm going to be teaching at the Central California Writers Conference that weekend, so I can't post my own, but I'm really going to enjoy hopping around and reading all of yours when I get back. I'm always interested to see how many award-winning movies also get on a whole lot of "worst" movie lists.
Agree totally about making friends vs. selling. On social media, acting like a salesman makes people cringe. Twitter is the same. When I follow somebody back, then get a DM saying "read my book" I feel like unfollowing right away. Such a huge turn off. Saying "I see you write romantic comedies, too. Come over to my blog and let's talk chocolate and shoes" or something like that works great.
I love my bloggy friends :) They are reason enough to continue on this journey.
And how the hell do you come up with such unique questions? I couldn't guess any of them.
Good luck with the blogfest. Looks exciting.
Oh no! I was out of state this entire week and didn't know about FFW marketing post. :(((
I love how you do it for friendship and not for money--you are a fantastic friend, Alex!
Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!
You've got me thinking about all the movies I really hate. Every time I think of bad movies I think of 'The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.' But is was so bad it was good! So it doesn't count.
Oh shoot. Now I've got that theme song stuck in my head:
Attack of the killer tomatoes! Attack of the killer tomatoes! They'll eat you, bash you, squish you, mash you, chew you up for brunch and finish you off for dinner or lunch... They're marching down the halls. They're crawling up the walls. They're gooey, yucky, squishy, munchy, rotten to the core. They're standing outside your door. Remember Herbert Farbage, while taking out his garbage, he turned around and he did see, tomatoes hiding in his tree, now he's just a memory. I know I'm going to miss her, a tomato ate my sister...
Sorry, got carried away. Oh well, you've got to hear it to believe it. Just search at YouTube for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - intro song.
But I'm going to work on picking out some really bad movies for your blogfest.
Wendy, you have over a month to think.
Tanya, it is more fun!
Patricia, glad you're on board.
Anne, I never thought of sending a message like that. Well, not like THAT. You know what I mean!
Donna, I am an infinite supply of useless pop culture trivia knowledge...
That's all right, Elizabeth.
Doralynn, I'm glad you're caught up in the spirit of the whole thing! Killer Tomatoes is like Sharktopus - really bad, but in a fun bad kind of way.
I am signed up for your blogfest. I love bad movies. Don't get me wrong, I prefer good movies. But given a choice of only an average rated film and crap, I will go for the bad movie, as I generally laugh my way through - where laughter was not intended. I am looking forward to building my list.
Lol I love blog hops it helps me find some new blogs to love :). As for the lesson you learned I have to agree. I have made some great blog friends and I wouldnt have it any other way!
Yeah - you're right, I love to come over here just to read about what's going on with you, and the same on other blogs... if I feel like there's a hard sell going on, I lose interest really fast!
Can't wait to round up my 10 cinematic stinkers and see what everyone else comes up with too... hope you're having a great weekend
Rhonda, glad you've joined the blogfest!
Cestlavie, glad you agree.
Laura, thank you.
Great advice and I LOVE the blogfest :)
Worst movies ever? Oooh. I don't want to remember them, but I do. And on International Talk Like a Pirate day . . . hmmm. Coincidence?
BTW, I just finished your book, CassaStar, and I loved it! I found the beginning to be a little slow for me . . . but sometimes that is just me moving from daily havoc to the quiet of reading . . . anyway, I have to say that I thought it was a great, page-turning, action-packed read with a powerful dramatic piece about friendship. Thank you for writing it! I am looking forward to reading CassaFire.
Alex, I have a condition (mental of course) that causes me to refuse to say any movie I have seen was bad. At least not bad enough to make a worst movies list. I get something out of every film I see and try to not critque. My wife on the other hand (though she can not remember seeing a movie 3 days afterward) could come up with a list. She would tell you the Coen Bros. movies are the biggest waste of celluloid or digital there ever was.
Anyway, this is my longwinded way of saying I won't be participating because I truly have no such list. Weird, huh?
PS. My brain subconciously fills in any plot holes so all movie plots make sense to me.
Tyrean, I just read your post, and I am honored you enjoyed it! You got the real meaning of the book, which I appreciate. Thank you!!
Chuck, after of years of watching movies, I am both jaded and more tolerant - yes, odd combination. It's rare I see something that bad. However, years of watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 have given me a list of truly awful films. I am ready!
But that's cool if you don't want to participate - I understand.
Count me in on the blogfest! Damnit, I had Def Leppard as my #1 pick. Eh, it's close enough :P
Very valid point on marketing... I'm also a big believer of not talking just about writing and how to do it as your target is not just writers...:) My two cents...hehe
I actually didn't like the swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tatto. It's not because of the performance or plot. It's because I thought it was a political thriller but it turned out to be a crime story.
Every Savage Can Reproduce
Jamie, glad you're with us on the blogfest. And you were really close.
TfWalsh, exactly!
Enid, be curious to see if they change any of that in the American version. From the previews, it looks shot for shot the same movie though.
I liked your blog before I read your book :) But yeah, I really liked your book too :)
Worst movies ever...tempting. Oh what the heck. We'll go for it. Thanks for the blogfest Alex.
Thanks, Aleta - you are a sweet person!
Maurice, this is right up your alley!
Oh yeah! I'm all over this blogfest Alex. This should be a good one...
This one is going to be tougher than my fav movie blogfest. I try to steer clear of bad movies but i will give it a spin.
The worst movies? Well I read reviews and don't reckon I've seen 10 bad movies. Aren't I lucky?
Pat, glad you're on board!
PTM, you can do it.
I am so in! I'll give it a shout out on my blog next week.
Worst movies EVER?? I'm there!
Ellie, thanks - appreciate it!
Karen, cool!
Now this is one that I am going to enjoy!!!
Alex- great idea! I have this up on my blogfest page.
Ooooh fun! I'm sure I have some gems in memory. Though it will be very typical if the blogfest dawns and I can't think of a single bad movie!
Will blog about this next time I post!
Oh, goodie! I've seen a few bad movies but the truth is - if a movie sucks I stop watching. Anyway, this is going to be fun. Do we need to post just a list or also a synopsis, own opinions, photos?
Almost missed this one, but Nebular's post called it to my attention. Count me in!
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